Biden once pitied an older politician refusing to leave the stage

 July 19, 2024

Tom Galvin, a writer at, has recently published a story that Joe Biden would have surely preferred to stay buried.

Galvin is reporting that in 1994, Senator Joe Biden seemed to understand that sometimes politicians simply need to step down. He called Claiborne Pell a "poor son of a bitch" because Pell was showing signs of Parkinson's disease but had no idea how to have a life outside Congress.

Now, 30 years later, Joe Biden is the old man on stage with the rest of the nation pitying him.

Things have gotten so bad that even Joe Biden's own party wants to get rid of him, even names he once trusted like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi has a reputation for being VERY corrupt, so when even she doesn't think you can keep up a minimal charade anymore, you know things have gone very wrong. is reporting that Nancy Pelosi has personally spoken with President Joe Biden about the consequences of him staying in the presidential race. Not only does Nancy Pelosi not think that Joe Biden can win the presidency, she and her friends are so worried about him that they apparently think Joe could cause Democrats to lose control of Congress as well.

Nancy Pelosi isn't the only corrupt Democrat who's had enough of Trump...

Senator Chuck Schumer.

America's Senate Majority Leader has also apparently had his own private conversations with Joe Biden. According to reporter Jonathan Karl, "Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be best if Biden bowed out of the race," although Chuck Schumer's office would not confirm the report.

In the same article on Business Insider, it's indicated that privately Joe Biden might not be as reluctant to step down as he's appearing publicly. According to one advisor, Joe Biden has "gone from saying, 'Kamala can't win,' to 'Do you think Kamala can win?' It's still unclear where he's going to land but seems to be listening."

While Schumer and Pelosi are definitely big names in the liberal world, perhaps neither of them have the type of pull that a former president does.

Barack Obama

According to The Blaze, Barack Obama has been telling people in his party that none of them have the influence over Joe Biden that he does. Apparently Barry thinks that he's the person who will be able to convince Joe Biden to do what's best for America.

The source reports that Obama has "been deeply engaged in conversations about the future of Biden’s campaign," and Barack doesn't think that Joe Biden has a great shot right now.

Obama has been reported as saying that Old Man Biden's "path to victory has greatly diminished."

Barack Obama has also said that Biden "needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy."

Do you think that any of these people will convince Joe Biden to drop out? Or will Old Joe still be there this November?

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Thomas Jefferson