Biden pledges to sign new DC crime bill, statehood advocates react

 March 4, 2023

President Joe Biden is taking backlash from some of his old friends in Congress, including former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). 

Pelosi, and other Dems, are mad that Biden stated that he will sign a Washington D.C. crime bill that overrides a crime bill recently passed by D.C.'s city council. Pelosi claims Biden didn't give her side a proper head's up about his support for the bill, the Washington Examiner reported.

The new crime bill was recently passed in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, and it's expected to pass in the Senate next week.

The bill is largely seen as a victory for House Republicans.

Pelosi's mad

The former speaker, now just a regular member of Congress biding her time, expressed frustrations over Biden's apparently lack of communication in telling her side that he is willing to support the new bill.

“If [Biden] was going to do it, I wish he would’ve told us first, because this was a hard vote for the House members,” Pelosi said at an event at the University of Chicago, according to the Hill.

She added: “It’s a hard vote for the Senate members. The mayor of the District of Columbia even differed from the legislators who passed it, so it wasn’t that clear.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre told a wildly different story, indicating to the press during a recent briefing that Biden had made Pelosi and her side of the political aisle aware of his intent to support the new crime bill, which he later tweeted about and said in no uncertain terms that he's willing to sign it.

The Examiner noted:

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended the president in a press briefing on Friday, claiming he did in fact tell House Democrats about his plan on Wednesday, the day before he announced he would not veto the bill.

However, the situation was apparently much worse behind the scenes, as the Examiner noted that an unidentified Democrat reported claimed that the Biden administration "f***d this up royally."

D.C. statehood issue

Of course, the primary controversy surrounding the new bill is that it steps on a recent push by the left to make Washington D.C. its own state -- a maneuver that has been attempted for years, as it would ultimately give Democrats a massive advantage in virtually every future election, given how overwhelmingly Democratic the nation's capital is.

“In the short term, it’s a punch in the gut," Oinounou said of the impact of Biden's decision on statehood advocates, according to a separate report from the Washington Examiner. "But long term, it doesn't have much of an impact.”

Advocates for D.C. statehood, of which there are many, with significant financial backing and resources, are worried that Biden's support for the federal bill overriding the city's bill could be a massive setback, at least from a PR perspective, which is often powerful enough to derail even the best laid plans.

Only time will tell if Biden holds true to his word and signs the bill, which would be a positive thing for the crime-ridden, once-beautiful city. With the way he manages to screw up even the smallest victories, one wouldn't be advised to hold one's breath on this one.

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