Biden prioritizes Ukraine, throws spare change at victims in Maui

 August 18, 2023

Joe Biden's cold and aloof response to the Maui wildfires is just the latest example of his failure to put America First. 

The victims in Maui are set to receive a whopping $700 per household from the federal government - a pittance compared to the billions and billions, and counting, in taxpayer money that Biden has freely poured into Ukraine.

Biden prioritizes Ukraine

Many couldn't help observing a disparity in the wake of the wildfires that have killed over 100 Americans.

"When you have a president that has advocated for over $100 billion going to a foreign country that really we have no place investing in while actively ignoring what is happening in Hawaii and really helping Hawaii, I think that tells you exactly what you need to know about this president," Republican Anna Paulina Luna (Fl.) said.

Biden caused an outcry when he replied "no comment" to a question about the wildfires as he was relaxing on the beach in Delaware.

It's difficult to imagine Biden being so flippant about Ukraine. On that subject, Biden has been an absolute windbag - and quite liberal with the public purse, lavishing over $100 billion on a cause that has begun to test the sympathy of America.


Biden announced another $200 million for Ukraine this week - even as outrage mounted over Biden's absence in Maui.

But Biden insisted he is "laser-focused" on helping the victims, announcing "one-time" payments of $700 - less than the average $900 per household that Biden has sent to Ukraine.

"We're laser-focused on getting aid to survivors, including Critical Needs Assistance: a one-time $700 payment per household offering relief during an unimaginably difficult time," Biden said. "We have staff on the ground dedicated to helping survivors navigate the registration process."

Biden made a $40 billion funding request to Congress last week - with most of that funding, $24 billion, going to Ukraine. Biden asked for half that amount for disaster relief, $12 billion, and a paltry $4 billion for "border security."


In his latest act of largesse, Biden approved sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, yet another escalation in what Biden calls a war for "democracy."

Ukraine is a notoriously corrupt country, one which happens to have quite a bit of personal history with Biden - raising speculation that there is an ulterior motive to his obsession with supporting Ukraine at any cost.

After having his arm twisted, Biden finally announced he would visit Maui next week.

Biden has always put himself and his own family first - the country be damned.

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