Biden rambled multiple times about an arrest that didn't happen

 July 19, 2024

During a recently aired interview with the Black Entertainment Network (BET) the aging President Joe Biden spoke to the issue of race with what some considered a lack of eloquence.

The president, who was formerly the vice president for the nation's first black president, has for some time offered himself as an ally for the black community, despite some of his legislative attempts while in the Senate.

During his recent interview, the president again said how he was "involved in the civil rights movement," adding something unintelligible at the end, and then launched into a story.

The tale encompassed his since deceased parents, former President Barack Obama, and a train ride to Delaware.

The Main Event

Out of nowhere, Biden shifted gears to tell a fantastical anecdote about his mother reminiscing about a tale from his youth.

In a phone conversation that Biden said his mother had given him following Obama's selection of him as his running mate, she allegedly told him a tale about how he "got arrested for being on the porch with a Black family" as a teenager.

The claim that Joe Biden was the only white lifeguard at the project pool was something that Joe's mom was quite proud of as well.

While it is not possible to rule out the story from the president's mother, there has been strong evidence provided that the story about the lifeguard is not true. Likewise, no arrest records have been located to corroborate the story of his arrest.

Previous Re-Tellings

During previous tellings of this story about his arrest, interest has been sparked in what the actual chain of events was during Biden's supposed crusade for the underdog.

When questioned, Biden's communications team has pointed reporters to information from the president about an event that took place in the 1950s in his home state of Delaware where there was a protest at the home of a black couple.

Politifact reported, "Police were called to the home as hundreds of people protested outside. There were a few arrests, but there is no record of Biden being arrested. We rated Biden’s statement False."

Another Tall Tale

This was hardly Biden's first foray into embellishing his criminal record. In 2020, Biden made the statement—which Politifact also found to be false, when he asserted that he had been arrested in South Africa in the 1970s.

No evidence was discovered of Biden's arrest when he was detained at an airport while traveling with African American colleagues; Biden subsequently recanted that aspect of his account.

Reporters asked Biden's representatives via email whether they had any further information regarding Biden's arrest in Delaware in the 1950s after an interview where he outlined the story, but did not receive a response.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson