Biden reportedly pushing for Supreme Court term limits

 July 18, 2024

Joe Biden isn't aware of what's going on around him, but if he was, then I'd be sure that he was playing a joke on the rest of America.

In a baffling report, Joe Biden has been outed as wanting TERM LIMITS on Supreme Court Justices. Joe Biden pushing for the elderly to get out of politics has to be one of the funniest things that's happened in American politics in quite some time.

The Washington Post is reporting that Joe Biden "plans to endorse term limits for supreme court justices and a new ethics code."

Joe Biden hasn't yet addressed a presidential age limit

There's simply no way for Joe Biden to go about calling for limits on the Supreme Court justices without bringing attention to his own age.

Joe Biden is saying that Supreme Court justices are wearing out their welcome by staying on the job for far too long. He didn't seem to recognize the irony that that's what everyone in America has been saying about him for quite some time now.

Despite America getting distracted for a few days after Donald Trump had his ear blown off by a 20-year-old kid with a gun at a campaign rally, one of the biggest stories in America lately has been the decline of President Joe Biden.

Many conservatives who have been paying attention have been saying for YEARS that Joe Biden is in a serious decline, but the liberals in America dismissed us every single time.

All it took was Joe Biden to demonstrate his rapid decline in front of America at the Presidential Debate for even America's liberals to start crying out for a replacement. They should have been doing it years ago, but it finally became too much for even the corrupt media to ignore.

When comparing Joe Biden as president to how much younger he looked when he served as vice president, there was no debate that he was declining rapidly. For some reason, liberals in America kept denying the truth until it simply became too obvious to the rest of America.

No surprise Joe Biden has a bone to pick with the Supreme Court

Joe Biden doesn't want to impose term limits on the Supreme Court because he truly thinks that they're too old or have been around too long to do their job. He is endorsing term limits because he is frantically searching for a way to eliminate the justices who are currently on the Supreme Court.

It's no surprise that Joe Biden wants these justices off of the Supreme Court, considering how many of them were picked by Trump. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the Supreme Court was leaning liberal right now, Joe Biden would NOT be ranting and raving about how we need term limits.

Joe Biden isn't trying to suggest what he thinks will be best for America. Instead, he's simply saying the things that he thinks will make life most difficult for Donald Trump.

The White House is particularly upset with the Supreme Court right now because in the beginning of July, the SCOTUS decided that American presidents should enjoy some immunity for official acts committed while they were serving at the top of America's government. This means that the court cases against Donald Trump were dramatically weakened, so now Joe Biden might have to find another way to make life difficult for Trump.

What do you think about this story? Should America's Supreme Court have term limits imposed soon?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson