Biden uses profane language when referring to Trump behind closed doors: Report

 October 9, 2024

Everyone remembers when then-candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris vowed to be the "adults in the room" in their effort to win the 2020 election, promising a kindness and understanding as part of their ticket. 

Obviously, that didn't last long. Biden and Harris -- along with most of the administration -- have spent years launching attacks at their political opponents, namely former President Donald Trump.

According to the New York Post, the elderly and confused president apparently has quite the nasty nickname for Trump that he reportedly uses behind closed doors.

A CNN report indicated that Biden refers to Trump in private as "That f***ing a**hole."

What's going on?

In public, Biden typically refers to Trump as his "predecessor" or "that other guy," but according to a preview of Bob Woodward's new book, Biden holds nothing back when describing Trump behind closed doors and behind his back.

Biden tries to play the nice, calm grandpa card in front of cameras, but behind the scenes, his temper and foul mouth is an issue, and it's been reported on prior to the latest revelation.

The Post noted:

The president’s hot temper and penchant for profanity has been reported before, with Politico revealing in October 2021 that Biden regularly f-bombed West Wing aides in meetings, occasionally switching to “bulls—t” or “dammit” as the mood takes him.

Simon & Schuster, the publisher of Woodward's new book about Biden, describes it as "an intimate and sweeping account of one of the most tumultuous periods in presidential politics and American history."

It focuses on Biden's response to the Russia-Ukraine war and the ongoing struggle in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

Notably, the book also contains text from a phone call between Biden and former President George W. Bush, in which Bush sympathized with Biden over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, claiming his intel people "f***ed" him, too.

Social media reacts

Not surprisingly, Biden supporters loved hearing about the president referring to Trump with profane language, with many applauding him for it. Others slammed Woodward.

"I wouldn’t waste my time or money on anything BOB WOODWARD!" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Looks like Biden is playing a game of political hot potato with blame! At this rate, we might need a flowchart to keep track of who’s responsible for what. Next up: a family reunion where everyone points fingers at the cousin who never showed up to Thanksgiving!"

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Thomas Jefferson