Trump camp highlights brief Biden video with 'multiple' edits and 'cuts' that poorly disguised his speaking difficulties

 May 2, 2024

President Joe Biden, at age 81, is clearly no longer the man he used to be, as his physical and mental decline has become increasingly apparent to most Americans and sparked legitimate concerns about his ability to lead the country effectively.

Those concerns were exemplified by a brief video clip released by the White House of Biden delivering a short campaign message that was noticeably edited more than half a dozen times, Breitbart reported.

Making matters worse for the president, even those excessive edits and multiple takes failed to disguise Biden's obvious struggles to read a prepared and likely practiced statement off a teleprompter.

Multiple takes needed for brief Biden statement

On Wednesday, President Biden's personal X account posted a 24-second video in which he railed against former President Donald Trump's supposed "anti-freedom agenda."

The video appeared jumpy and patched together from several different takes, and it didn't take long before a spokesman for the Trump campaign called out Biden's team for their shoddy work.

"There are 8 separate jump/hard cuts to this 20 second video. That means Biden could barely read a script without messing up, so they had to stitch all the usable parts together," Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said. "And even the 'usable' parts are bad."

Biden's teleprompter struggles

President Biden's diminished teleprompter reading skills and cognitive capabilities are not a particularly new problem, though his struggles appear to be growing more frequent, as there was another rather egregious example that occurred just last week, according to Breitbart.

While delivering a speech, Biden attempted to prompt a chant of "four more years" from the audience but ended up saying, "Four more years -- pause," with the "pause" almost certainly being an instruction on the teleprompter for him to wait for the crowd's response that he was not supposed to read aloud.

That was reminiscent of an incident in July 2022 when, while railing against the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, Biden read from the teleprompter a quote about the electoral power of women voters and capped it off by stating, "End of quote. Repeat the line" -- clearly an instruction meant only for him -- after which he dutifully, but stumblingly, repeated the quote.

Majority of voters have serious doubts about Biden's mental health

Breitbart reported that multiple surveys over the past several months have revealed how deeply troubled a majority of the American people are by the increasingly undeniable decline of the elderly president.

In February, a Quinnipiac poll found that 67% of voters thought President Biden was too old to serve another term, and only slightly more than one-third believed that he had the physical and mental fitness for another four years in office.

Earlier that same month, an NBC News poll revealed that a combined 76% of voters -- including 54% of Democrats -- had "major" or "moderate" concerns that Biden lacked the "the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term."

Similarly, a Harvard/Harris poll in December 2023 showed that 62% of voters -- including 34% of Democrats -- had doubts about Biden's mental fitness for office, 64% of voters -- including 33% of Democrats -- believed he was too old for a second term, and 48% of voters -- this time only including 17% of Democrats -- thought that Biden's condition was "getting worse" instead of remaining steady (27%) or improving (24%).

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