Border city mayors slam Harris 'nonexistent' effort to secure the border

 August 17, 2024

According to Fox News, President Joe Biden announced in 2021 that Vice President Kamala Harris was "the most qualified" person when it came to "stemming the migration to our southern border."

However, the network recently interviewed several mayors from border cities and their assessment of her record was devastating. 

Mayor calls Harris' performance "nonexistent"

Douglas Nicholls serves as Mayor of Yuma, Arizona, and he told Fox News, "From where I sit, I would grade the vice president's performance of the border crisis as pretty much nonexistent."

Nogales, Arizona Mayor Jorge Maldonado was similarly unimpressed, saying, "Every border is different. Til you see her come here and really look at our border and pay any interest, you know, she doesn't know what Nogales is."

Meanwhile, Fox News noted that Harris has received an invitation from Dr. Victor Treviño, who is mayor of Laredo, Texas. He was quoted as stating that the vice president "needs to be here."

"The Latino vote is crucial for her if she is to win the presidency," Treviño insisted. "She needs to look at our challenges and be involved with what we live and work every day here."

Ex-Border Patrol Union head: "We gave her the policies that she needed"

Criticism of Harris' border approach isn't limited to local politicians, as recently retired president of the Border Patrol Union Brandon Judd has spoken up as well.

"It’s very disappointing," Fox News quoted Judd as saying of how Harris has handled the migration crisis. "We gave her the policies that she needed to implement. She refused to implement those."

"The major problem is the root causes she identified: political instability, climate and crime," Judd explained. "That was the same under President Trump, yet we did not see an explosion in illegal immigration under the Trump administration."

Instead, Judd insisted that the real root cause was the "magnet that [Harris] created, which is allowing people to be released into the United States."

Poll: 87% of Americans think border is "an emergency" or "major problem"

A Fox News national survey released on Thursday found that 44% of Americans regard what is happening along the southern border as "an emergency" while another 43% say it is "a major problem."

Those numbers represent an uptick from February, when 41% thought the border situation was "an emergency" and 37% saw it as "a major problem."

What's more, border concerns are now far more pronounced than they were when former President Donald Trump held office, as in 2019 just 22% felt it was an emergency.

When asked who is to blame, 71% say the Biden administration bears "a great deal or some" of the blame whereas just 57% say the same of former President Donald Trump and Republicans.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson