British lawmakers may strip tittles from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

 December 4, 2023

In what would be a bombshell move, British lawmakers may vote to strip the title of princess from Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry. 

According to the Daily Mail, Conservative MP Bob Seely is expected to introduce such a bill into the House of Common this week.

Law would amend legislation from World War I

Seely, who represents the Isle of Wight, is seeking to modify a law originally passed during World War I which stripped German nobles of their British titles.

Officially known as the "Titles Deprivation 1917 Amendment Bill," Seely's legislation would remove the words "enemies" and "present war" from the existing laws.

The Daily Mail noted that Prince Harry and his wife are already not permitted to use the titles of "His and Her Royal Highness" thanks to a 2020 agreement in which they gave up their official royal duties.

For his part, Seely authored an op-ed piece published by the Daily Mail this past weekend in which he argued for stripping the couple of their remaining titles.

"They should not keep the titles and privileges"

"I'm not a republican and support the monarchy, but after the latest installment of the couple's feud with the rest of the Royal Family, I believe that Parliament and the Privy Council should consider a nuclear option," he wrote.

My aim is simple: if someone doesn't want to be Royal, that is a decision we respect – but they should not keep the titles and privileges if they trash an institution that plays an important part in our nation's life.

"My aim is simple: if someone doesn't want to be Royal, that is a decision we respect – but they should not keep the titles and privileges if they trash an institution that plays an important part in our nation's life," Seely continued.

Markle's fans claim racism

This week's news represents another turn in what has been a tense relationship between Markle and the Royal Family, a fact which some of her supporters attributed to racism.

However, many of her critics maintain that Markle has attempted to weaponize false allegations of racism for her own benefit.

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Thomas Jefferson
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