Chairman Jim Jordan subpoenas company where Trump judge's daughter worked

 August 29, 2024

Judge Juan Merchan was highly criticized for his role in overseeing one of former President Donald Trump's cases, given that his daughter worked for a company that has done extensive campaign and political work for high-profile Democrats, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

While he brushed off the criticism at the time, unfortunately for Merchan and his daughter, the situation isn't over yet.

According to Fox News, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) recently issued a subpoena regarding the work of Judge Merchan's daughter, Loren Merchan, to determine exactly what the nature of her political work with Trump's opponents entailed.

The subpoenas came in the wake of the company she works for previously refusing to turn over the documents requested.

What's going on?

Jordan fired off another letter to Michael Nellis, the founder and CEO of Authentic Campaigns, accusing him of failing to comply with the records request more than once.

That, Jordan wrote, prompted his committee to use their power of subpoena to compel the company to turn over the requested records.

"As such, the Committee is left with no choice but to resort to compulsory process," Jordan wrote.

He added, "Popularly elected prosecutors, such as Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, have engaged in an unprecedented abuse of authority by prosecuting a former President of the United States and current nominee for that office. Of relevance to the Committee’s oversight is the impartiality of Judge Juan Merchan, the presiding trial judge, due to his refusal to recuse himself from the case in light of his apparent conflicts of interest and biases."

"One such conflict is Ms. Merchan’s — daughter of Judge Merchan and President of Authentic Campaigns — work on behalf of President Trump’s political adversaries and the possible financial benefit that Ms. Merchan and Authentic Campaigns received from the prosecution and conviction of President Trump," Jordan continued.

Close ties

Jordan noted in his letter that according to his information, Loren Merchan and the company she works for were "closely involved in the presidential campaigns of both President Biden and Vice President Harris."

He also added that the company is still doing work for VP Harris, now the Democratic presidential nominee.

"During Ms. Merchan’s employment with the Harris campaign, Authentic Campaigns received over $7 million in compensation for its services. You also worked for then-presidential candidate Harris and it appears you continue to do so. Authentic Campaigns conducted work for the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign and, according to public records, was paid just over $2 million in a one-month period for its work," Jordan wrote.

Jordan has given Nellis until Sept. 13 to comply with the subpoena.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson