Charlamagne tha God claims VP Harris has been held back by the Biden administration

 May 30, 2024

Talk show host Charlamagne tha God has not been shy about his view on politics, often surprising people with his opinions.

He recently opened up about Vice President Kamala Harris, who he helped campaign with in the 2020 election, and essentially said that he feels bad for her because she's been "handcuffed" by the Biden administration.

The host said that because of how she's been restrained, she's not been able to accomplish anything of any meaning during her vice presidency.

Harris's polling numbers have been in the tank for the bulk of her vice presidency, and often polls lower than President Joe Biden himself.


In an interview with Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, Charlamagne tha God offered his thoughts on what's going on with Harris.

"I know her and I know what she stands for, and I know the things that she wants to do that she may not necessarily in the position to do because she does not want to overstep the president," he said.

"She is handcuffed a lot by this administration," he added.

When asked about the possibility of Harris becoming president, he said that she wouldn't be any different than any other Democrat, like Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

"She wouldn't be any different than any other Democrat," he said. "What policies, what issues would she be so different on that President Obama was, President Biden was?"

Perhaps his most ridiculous statement came after he mocked Americans who would be greatly concerned if she became president, saying that the only reason they believe that is because she's a "woman of color."

He has TDS

Charlamagne tha God admitted in a previous interview with Greg Gutfeld that he has "Trump Derangement Syndrome," and said he believes Donald Trump is a "threat to democracy."

"I am one of the people who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think he is a threat to democracy," he said. "I think that he led an attempted coup of this country. You know, he said he wanted to suspend the Constitution to overthrow the results of an election. At the least, that's just not a patriotic thing to say."

However, he's also been highly critical of President Biden, recently calling him a "trash" president, which triggered liberals across the media circuit.

Agree with him or not, while he's certainly a card-carrying liberal, at least he has the courage to call some of the balls and strikes within his own party.

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