Chelsea Clinton features pornographic kid's book in tweet complaining about censorship

 May 2, 2023

Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter last week and complained that conservatives are attempting to remove children's books from schools and libraries.

Yet although she called the effort "harmful," Breitbart noted that Clinton's tweet featured an example of pornographic material. 

Tweet featured an image of "Gender Queer"

"Over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ+ characters [and] themes," Clinton's post read.

"Books are a vital way that children, adolescents and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful," it added.

However, a Twitter note pointed out that the NBC News story Clinton linked to contains an image of "Gender Queer."

Twitter users post pornographic images found in book

It stressed that the book "contains sexually explicit material" and features "visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation and adult sexual contact with a minor."

Clinton's tweet did not go unnoticed, with many conservatives arguing that she had inadvertently made their case for them. They included the Libs of TikTok Twitter account, which posted some of the images found in "Gender Queer."

Babylon Bee publisher Seth Dillon spoke up as well, remarking, "Chelsea Clinton has come out in favor of porn for kids."

Leftist unconcerned about attempts to ban conservative books

New York Post columnist called Karol Markowicz Clinton's post a "[w]eird way to admit leftists use LGBT porn in elementary school libraries, but ok."

Meanwhile, conservative journalist Andy Ngo highlighted how leftists have shown no concern over attempts to suppress his book about Antifa.

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