Chris Christie ends campaign, slams other candidates on hot mic

 January 11, 2024

In a bombshell development, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie revealed this week that his Republican presidential primary campaign has come to an end. 

According to The New York Times, Christie made that announcement by telling his supporters on Wednesday, "I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win."

Former governor once again attacks Trump

"And I feel no differently today because this is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country," the former governor went on to declare.

Christie, who has consistently polled in the low single digits among GOP voters, made attacking former President Donald Trump the centerpiece of his campaign.

He reiterated that message once again Wednesday, stating, "Imagine just for a moment if 9/11 had happened with Donald Trump behind the desk."

"The first thing he would have done was run to the bunker to protect himself. He would have put himself first, before this country," Christie insisted.

Christie will "in no way" help Trump get reelected

He also took a swipe at the GOP itself, decrying "the hate and the division and the selfishness of what our party has become under Donald Trump."

What's more, the former governor pledged in a social media post that he will "in no way" help Trump win another White House term.

However, the Times pointed out that Christie's resignation wasn't the only reason his name was in the news, the now ex-candidate was also caught on a hot mic slamming other candidates.

Trump agrees with Christie's hot mic comments about Nikki Haley

Christie could be heard saying just as the livestream started on Wednesday that former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley will "get smoked" before adding, "She’s not up to this."

He took aim at Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis as well, alleging that DeSantis had called him on the phone while sounding "petrified."

Politico reported that Christie's comments did not go unnoticed by former President Trump, who mentioned them while participating in a Fox News town hall event.

"I happen to believe that Chris Christie is right. That’s one of the few things he’s been right about, actually," the website quoted Trump as saying.

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