Chris Christie says Trump will be convicted

 November 1, 2023

GOP presidential candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he believes that former President Donald Trump will be convicted in his upcoming case.

Christie shared the thoughts during a Tuesday interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Christie's statement

“I want Republican voters to understand this. What’s going to be happening in March, he’ll be sitting in a courtroom in Washington, D.C., with Mark Meadows 20 feet away from him, saying, ‘He committed crimes in front of me, on my watch,'” Christie said during the interview.

“Look, this is a guy who was velcroed to Trump’s hip for the entire 2020 campaign and all the post-campaign nonsense, so this is deadly. It’s done. He’s going to be convicted – it’s over," he added.

The details

"Trump was charged by federal prosecutors in August over his alleged attempts to remain in power after losing the 2020 election," the Hill reported.

"While Meadows was not charged in Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith’s case, he was charged alongside Trump and 17 others in Georgia over an alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in the state," it continued.

Super Tuesday showdown

"Judge Tanya Chutkan set the trial date for the 2020 election interference case for March 4, 2024, right in the thick of the primary contest season and one day before the all-important Super Tuesday, in which the most number of states will hold their primaries or caucuses," the Washington Examiner reported concerning Trump's Washington case.

"Chutkan reinstated a gag order on Trump on Sunday, barring him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors, and court staff," it stated.

Trump faces a total of 91 charges in multiple cases, including upcoming trials expected in Georgia and Florida.

The charges have not yet slowed down Trump on the campaign trail. He currently holds a large lead in polls over fellow GOP candidates.

The new claims by Christie remain speculative at the moment but show how serious the situation could soon become for Trump when he faces a Washington court early next year as he seeks to return to the White House in 2024.

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