Circuit court judges refuse to hire woke Stanford law students as clerks

 April 3, 2023

Woke liberals, especially in academia, are quickly learning that actions have consequences. 

That was evidenced this week after U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho announced that he and Judge Elizabeth Branch would no longer hire law clerks with Stanford educations after students and a dean at the once-prestigious institution shouted down a judge last month simply because he had differing views.

Breitbart reported that in the wake of Judge Kyle Duncan being treated horrifically and shouted down by woke, radical leftist students and a dean, Stanford law students will no longer have job opportunities available under the two federal judges.

The spectacle that occurred at the university last month drew national attention and was widely condemned by those on both sides of the political aisle.

"Zero consequences"

Judge Ho laid out his reasoning for refusing to hire clerks with Stanford educations at an annual gathering hosted by Texas Review of Law & Politics.

The judge noted that Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez's 10-page letter defending free speech in the wake of the incident with Judge Duncan wasn't enough.

"These three elements are plainly missing at Stanford Law School. Just look at the ten-page letter that was recently issued by the Dean. I know that letter has been praised by some people for standing up for free speech. I don’t share that view," Ho said.

He added: "Well, here’s the problem: The words in that letter are not accompanied by concrete actions. Because it imposes zero consequences on anyone. It doesn’t even say whether there will be consequences if there’s a disruption in the future."

"These problems aren’t unique to one or two schools. But I think it’s obvious why so much attention has focused on one or two schools. It’s because they present themselves as the nation’s best institutions of legal education. Yet they’re the worst when it comes to legal cancellation. Moreover, what happens at these elite schools impacts the profession and the country," he continued.

Breitbart noted that the Fifth Circuit includes Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Judicial clerkships are highly-coveted jobs for law students at top-tier law schools.

What happened?

Judge Duncan was treated horribly by the raging, out-of-control, low-IQ liberal students simply due to his conservative views on LGBTQ+ issues.

“If enough of these kids get into the legal profession, the rule of law will descend into barbarism,” Duncan said after the incident.

The event became so ridiculous that Duncan had to be escorted away from the campus by federal marshals.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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