CNN eats crow after transgender mice fact check proven wrong

 March 7, 2025

CNN had to once again eat crow after it falsely fact-checked President Donald Trump's claim during his State of the Union on Tuesday that the federal government spent $8 million "making mice transgender."

"Between the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years, the National Institutes of Health awarded a total of $477,121 to three projects that involved administering feminizing hormone therapy to monkeys to understand how it may affect their immune system and make them more susceptible to HIV," Deidre McPhillips wrote in reaction to the speech. "Feminizing hormone therapy is a gender-affirming treatment used to block the effects of the male hormone testosterone and promote feminine characteristics among transgender women."

"Transgender women are nearly 50 times more likely to be infected with HIV than other adults, according to one study from 2013 across 15 countries, including the US," she added. "It’s not clear where the $8 million figure came from."

The White House quickly put out a statement that proved its numbers were right.

Fact-checking the fact check

"The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual)," the statement began.

It then detailed the studies as follows: $455,000 studying “gender-affirming hormone therapy on HIV-vaccine induced immune responses, $2.5 million studying the reproductive consequences of hormone therapy, $299,940 studying testosterone therapy on breast cancer risk and treatment outcomes, $735,113 studying the effects of hormone therapy on mouse microbiomes, $1.2 million studying “androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis” and $3.1 million studying hormones as mediators of sex influences in asthma.

All of that research involved hormone replacements in mice, i.e. making the mice transgender.

CNN then issued the following correction to its original fact check:

An earlier version of this item incorrectly characterized as false Trump’s claim about federal money being spent for “making mice transgender.” The article has been updated with context about the spending, which was for research studies on the potential human health impacts of treatments used in gender-affirming care.

Nolte hilariously reacts

John Nolte, who founded and runs Just the News and is a contributor at Breitbart News, reacted in typical hilarious fashion to the CNN fact check and the larger Trump-hating dynamic that prompted it.

"When will fake and discredited outlets like CNN figure out the only time anyone pays attention to them is when we can point and laugh when they step in it like this?" he pondered.

"If you read CNN’s entire fact-check of Trump’s triumphant speech, it’s a bunch of pedantic nitpicking," he went on. "There’s nothing illuminating or informative about it. It reads like a divorce decree written by a bitter ex-wife, hurling everything she can just to hurt the guy. She hates his haircut, the way he brushes his teeth, the sound of his voice, his aftershave, the color of his ties…"

He concluded: "Above all, she just can’t understand why everyone doesn’t hate him as much as she hates him. Man alive, it’s so pathetic."

Nolte, as usual, has put his finger squarely on how the media and Democrats feel about Trump.

Public opinion has moved beyond parroting this sick fascination with hating Trump, however, and is discovering that while Trump is a flawed human being like the rest of us, he is really great at making policies that help America.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson