Colin Gray, father of Georgia high school shooter, interviewed a year ago by authorities

 September 7, 2024

The Georgia high school shooter, Colt Gray, opened fire at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, killing two students and two teachers.

According to the Daily Mail, Gray and his father, Colin Gray, were interviewed last year by federal authorities after Colt made concerning statements in a Discord channel.

The threats made over a year ago in the Discord channel happened to be related to remarks about a possible shooting rampage at school.

Colin Gray told authorities that he taught his son to use firearms and hunt proficiently in an effort to get away from "video games" and "get him an interest in the outdoors."

What did he say?

At the time, Colin Gray held nothing back regarding his pride over his son's hunting expeditions.

The Daily Mail noted:

Colin told police that he and Colt 'do a lot of shooting' and 'deer hunting', even hailing the day the teen shot his first deer as the 'greatest day ever', according to the interview transcript. He shared that he keeps a photo on his phone of Colt with the animal's blood on his cheeks.

At the time, Colin Gray expressed anger and frustration over the allegations regarding his son's comments, arguing that his son knew all about gun safety and the seriousness of the issue.

The outlet added:

He further urged officers to instill in his son that school shootings are 'no joke' and said that he was 'going to be mad as hell if he did' make threats online and that 'all the guns will go away'.

Fast forward to earlier this week, the younger Gray was arrested by authorities after his school shooting rampage.

His father Colin was also arrested in the aftermath of the shooting. He was hit with several serious charges, including "four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children."

Charges filed

"These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon," GBI Director Chris Hosey said during a recent press update."

The elder Gray faces serious charges that can land him up to 30 years in prison, according to the outlet.

The charges are part of a newer trend of holding parents accountable for children who commit such atrocities.

Only time will tell how Colin Gray fairs with a jury of his peers.

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Thomas Jefferson