GOP-led House committee subpoenas Gov. Walz in probe of major $250 million pandemic fraud case in Minnesota

 September 7, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, may soon be forced to take a break from campaigning alongside and in support of his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris.

That is because Walz will need to take time to respond to a subpoena from a Republican-led congressional committee that is investigating a case of massive fraud that occurred in Minnesota on the governor's watch, according to NBC News.

The committee is demanding that Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education, among others, turn over all relevant documents concerning a migrant-run scam known as Feeding Our Future that criminally defrauded taxpayers of around $250 million during the 2020 pandemic by falsely claiming that it was providing meals to low-income children.

Subpoenas issued in massive Minnesota fraud case

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), chair of the House Education & Workforce Committee, announced on Wednesday that she had issued subpoenas for Gov. Walz and his administration, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and USDA Inspector General, to turn over documents concerning the Feeding Our Future organization and what has been described as the "largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation."

At least 70 individuals have already been criminally charged -- 18 have pleaded guilty and five have been convicted thus far -- of fraudulently claiming to feed hungry children as a means to rip off taxpayers for more than $250 million that was instead spent on "luxury vehicles, real estate, and other unlawful purchases."

In a subpoena cover letter to Walz, Foxx wrote, "As the chief executive and the highest ranking official in the state of Minnesota, you are responsible for the MDE and its administration of [Federal Child Nutrition Programs,]" and further noted, "You are well aware of the multi-million-dollar fraud that has occurred under your tenure as Governor."

"On November 14, 2023, and June 14, 2024, letters were sent to MDE requesting information regarding its handling of the FCNP and the FOF fraud," the chairwoman continued. "The documents we have received to date indicate the actions taken by you and other executive officers were insufficient to address the massive fraud."

Walz insists no wrongdoing by state but admits to lax oversight

NBC News reported that Gov. Walz, in response to a damning state audit report that exposed a serious lack of oversight by the MDE of the scammers' exploitation of the FCNP, insisted in a press conference, per the Minnesota Star-Tribune, that there had been no "malfeasance" by state employees, though he acknowledged that "We can always do better."

"There’s not a single state employee that was implicated in doing anything that was illegal," the governor said in June. "They simply didn’t do as much due diligence as they should have."

To reduce the chances of similar fraudulent scams, Walz revealed in a December 2022 press release a four-part plan to prevent fraud and improve oversight in programs involving federal funds that, in part, included the creation of a new inspector general at the state's Education Department.

"I am committed to rooting out and stopping fraud," the governor said at the time. "We need to protect taxpayer dollars. This plan will help ensure that state government works as efficiently and effectively as possible to improve the lives of Minnesotans, while creating new tools to catch fraudsters and hold them accountable."

He went on to say that "Creating an Inspector General position within the Minnesota Department of Education is a critical step to ensuring proper oversight of federal funds," and added, "I look forward to working with the state legislature and the federal government to ensure Minnesota’s state agencies have the guidance and resources they need to prevent fraud."

No evidence of any action or response to voluntary requests

However, per Rep. Foxx's letter, the committee has thus far been unable to find any evidence of progress in that regard or to "obtain substantive responsive materials in the many voluntary requests made in this matter."

"The Committee must now compel the production of responsive documents that will show the extent of the actions taken by you and your administration relating to MDE’s administration of the FCNP and the extent of your responsibilities and actions addressing the massive fraud that resulted in the abuse of taxpayer dollars intended for hungry children," the congresswoman added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson