Congressman facing possible assault charges

 May 12, 2024

U.S. Rep. Mike Ezell (R-MS) is facing assault charges. 

This comes, according to the Daily Mail, after Ezell knocked the phone out of the hands of a far-left activist.

At this point, it is unclear whether Ezell is actually going to be charged.

The alleged victim, Sumer Mobarak, is attempting to press charges, and, currently, U.S. Capitol Police are looking into the matter.

What happened?

Mobarak and her fellow leftwing activist Medea Benjamin have a habit of attempting to agitate members of Congress in the halls of the Capitol. This is what they were attempting to do on this particular occasion.

To provide a bit more context, both individuals are members of Code Pink, "a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. warfare and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming* programs." They are both also pro-Palestian Americans.

Recently, the pair harrassed Ezell as he was walking in the halls of Congress. They asked him such questions as this: "You want the killing of my people, my Palestinian people?"

Ezell, clearly annoyed, told Mobarak to "shut up" and "knock it off," and it was at this point that he reached out and knocked down the phone that Mobarak was using to record the incident.

We'll have to see how the Capitol police decide to handle the situation.

There's more

The incident with Ezell was not the only one of the day. The activists also went after U.S. Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL). Before looking at what happened, it is worth pointing out for those unfamiliar with Mast that he is a 12-year U.S. Army veteran who lost both of his legs due to an IED in Afghanistan.

In a separate video, Benjamin asked Mast whether there ought to be a ceasefire in Gaza. But, Mast wasn't having any of it.

"I think Israel should go in there and kick the s**t out of them, just absolutely destroy them, their infrastructure, level anything they touch. Clear enough?" he said.

The activists repeated the question, and Mast continued, "You know what? If there's an American held, or somebody else being held, there should be every expectation that Americans come and kill them as well. If there's an American being held, we should go kill the people that are holding them."

The exchange concluded with Mast telling the activists that he does not "believe a word that [they] say." When an activist says, "Well, I think that you are a heartless, soulless, cruel man," Mast replied, "From you, I'll take that as a compliment."

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