Congressman's daughter shot dead

 May 25, 2024

Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker (R) just lost his daughter and son-in-law.

In a statement that he released on his Facebook page on Friday, Baker revealed that his 21-year-old daughter, Natalie, and her husband, 23-year-old Davy Lloyd, were murdered by gang members during a missionary trip that they made to Haiti.

"My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I’ve never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full-time missionaries in Haiti. They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed," Baker wrote.

He added, "They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now."

More details

The New York Post provides more details about how Natalie and Davy were killed.

"Natalie and Davy served in Port au Prince with Missions in Haiti Inc., which was founded by Davy’s parents, David and Alicia Lloyd, in 2000. They were leaving a youth church meeting when they 'were ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of guys,'" the outlet reports, quoting a statement from the couple's mission.

The Post continues, "Davy Lloyd was tied and beaten up before the gang allegedly looted the site and fled, only for another group to show up after them."

The mission's director, 20-year-old Jude Montis was also killed during the attack.

"All three were shot and killed around 9 p.m. Thursday," the Post reports.

"It hurts my heart so bad"

Baker has released several follow-up messages on Facebook.

In one, he wrote, "It hurts my heart so bad to even say this but we have confirmation from the Embassy that Davy and Natalie’s bodies have been safely transported there now."

Then, later in the day on Friday, Baker released a statement indicating that he and his family were "working to retrieve the bodies of Natalie and Davy." He explained:

We have to obtain a waiver that will allow their bodies to be transported without being fully embalmed due to the lack of facilities that provide that service in Haiti. After that, we have to find an airline that will be willing to do the transport. Prayers that this will all go smoothly.

In one other message, he said that "great progress is being made" in this regard.

Baker and his family have been receiving support from around the country following the tragic news, including support from former President Donald Trump. Trump, on social media, wrote, "God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!"

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