Conservative group accuses DA Bragg of colluding with White House, files lawsuit

 June 20, 2023

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg made headlines earlier this year when he brought 34 felony counts against former President Donald Trump over a 2016 payoff to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

Yet as Fox News reported on Monday, Bragg is now facing legal problems of his own in the form of two lawsuits.  

Conservative think tank seeks answers on prosecution

Both suits were filed by the conservative Heritage Foundation, with one alleging that Bragg failed to comply with New York state's Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).

The Washington, D.C.-based think tank is seeking to find out whether the Manhattan district attorney communicated or coordinated with either the White House, Department of Justice, or New York Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman in deciding to indict Trump.

"Regrettably, these questions have not been met with answers," Fox News quoted the Heritage Foundation's first lawsuit as asserting.

Bragg's office may have received support from major law firms

"These reports have raised concerns in many circles based in large part upon the longstanding history of President Trump’s political opponents coordinating their activities to systematically weaponize the criminal justice system against him and thereby pervert the course of Justice," it added.

Meanwhile, the second lawsuit revolves around claims that Bragg's office received pro bono assistance from major law firms which specialize in white collar crime.

Mike Howell serves as director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, and he voiced suspicion in an interview with Fox News that the district attorney has been "coordinating, or otherwise communicating" with Trump’s opponents.

Bragg slammed as "a weaponized actor"

He went on to speculate that there will be ample evidence of conclusion as "there's reason to believe Bragg was a prolific communicator" with cell phones.

"The fact we have to file a lawsuit against Bragg who says he can't produce these records and says he doesn't have the systems to do so, is proof-positive of another dual standard of justice at play in this country," Howell complained.

"You have a weaponized actor who's going after the former president on a loony theory about his document retention, whereas the DA can't even keep his own documents, and it's in violation of the information laws he is bound by," he continued.

Howell went on to assert that Bragg is "a hypocrite" who is "wasting an exorbitant amount of New York's taxpayer's dollars to defend this now and delay it and obstruct it when he could’ve just turned it over."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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