Conservative pundit argues Hunter Biden will be pardoned by his father

 December 14, 2023

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow said he believes it's only a matter of time before President Joe Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden.

Marlow shared the comments on Newsmax's "Carl Higbie Frontline" on Wednesday.

The comments

Marlow said, “I think that’s the key thing here, Carl you touched on in the opening, is that when he said that is my father was not financially involved in my business that means my father was involved in my business. That’s what you should hear and so that’s a massive revelation here. The whole press conference was very in your face from Hunter.”

He continued, “We just learned a few days ago that he spent $872,000 on hookers, porn and sex clubs while he was evading, paying his taxes and evading paying child support for his daughter.”

Skipping a hearing

"President Joe Biden’s son insisted to a gathering of reporters that he wants to testify publicly and not in a private meeting, as Republicans demanded in a subpoena," Politico reported.

"And he teed off against GOP investigators like Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.), accusing them of having 'impugned my character' and 'attacked' members of his family," it continued.

Recent charges

"The president’s son was charged with nine counts of failing to file and pay taxes, tax evasion and filing false tax returns by a grand jury in California; three are felonies and another six are misdemeanors," according to the Washington Post.

"Prosecutors accuse Biden of failing to pay at least $1.4 million in federal taxes over a four-year period from 2016 through 2019," it noted.

The charges include a maximum of several years in prison, with the average conviction in similar cases extending at least a year.

The thought of a pardon strikes most Americans with anger, especially following the controversy surrounding the first son's notorious laptop that was a focus of attention ahead of the 2020 election.

The new speculation may not happen soon but could become much more serious if it looks like Biden could lose to former President Donald Trump in 2024 if he secures the GOP nomination.

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