Controversial Democratic lawmaker accused of shoving lobbyist

 May 16, 2024

A lobbyist called police this week after he was allegedly shoved by a Democratic member of the New York State Senate. 

According to Fox News, the altercation is said to have involved state Sen. Kevin Parker and Michael Carey, who was lobbying for a change in New York's developmental disabilities systems.

Democrat had to be restrained by onlookers

Carey attempted to speak with Parker on Wednesday just before a meeting of the Standing Committee on Energy and Telecommunications.

However, Parker reportedly brushed Carey off, saying, "I don't care." Carey, whose son passed away in 2007 while in state care, responded with, "You don't care my son died?"

After Parker once again insisted he didn't care, Carey said that he remarked, "You heard it, everybody. He doesn't care."  He then accused Park of running back and shoving him before being restrained by onlookers.

Fox News noted that Parker later joked about the incident, saying, "There’s always lots of excitement in this committee. I don’t know. Someone said my committee meetings are boring."

Parker is facing rape allegations

This is not the first time Parker has been at the center of controversy, as Fox News reported this past November that Parker had been accused of rape.

That claim was made as part of a lawsuit filed under the Adult Survivors Act, a law that temporarily suspended the statute of limitations under which alleged victims could sue.

The lawsuit was filed by a woman who alleged that Parker sexually assaulted her when he visited her home in 2004 to pick up photos she had during a trip to Haiti.

Her lawyer released a statement asserting that his client "survived unspeakable sexual abuse perpetrated by Senator Parker— and continues to suffer from the trauma that only survivors of unwanted sexual assault can fully understand."

Senator has had multiple arrests, told GOP staffer to kill herself

Fox News also noted that Parker was arrested and charged with third-degree assault in 2005 for punching a traffic agent who gave him a ticket.

What's more, the lawmaker was convicted of misdemeanor criminal mischief charges five years later over an incident in which he smashed the camera of a New York Post photographer.

Meanwhile, Fox News noted that Parker made headlines in 2018 for telling Republican Senate aide Candice Giove to kill herself.

"She's been on the wrong side of history every single time. So why is anybody allowing this tempest in a teapot go on when she’s nothing but an Internet troll? She’s a Twitter troll," Parker said of Giove during an interview with Politico.

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