Disgraced and convicted former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby publicly demanding a pardon from Biden

 May 24, 2024

Former Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby faced sentencing this week in a federal court in Maryland on her separate 2023 convictions for perjury and mortgage fraud.

That sentencing came as Mosby has defiantly maintained her innocence of the charges against her and loudly called for President Joe Biden to grant her a pardon, according to Fox News.

The former Democratic prosecutor, who insists she is the victim of political and racial targeting, has not expressed any regret or remorse for her actions, however, and while that isn't necessarily required to qualify for a presidential pardon, such an attitude of contrition is generally a significant factor in whether a relatively rare extension of executive clemency is approved.

Home confinement, asset forfeiture for perjury and mortgage fraud convictions

On Thursday, the Maryland U.S. Attorney's Office announced that Mosby was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Lydia Griggsby to serve 36 months of supervised release, with the first 12 months to be served in home confinement while electronically monitored.

The judge also ordered the forfeiture of 90% of the property she purchased in connection to the perjury and mortgage fraud charges she was convicted of by two separate juries.

Mosby was first convicted in November 2023 on two counts of perjury related to her false claims of financial adversity during the COVID-19 pandemic to make early withdrawals from a retirement fund. She was then convicted again in February 2024 for mortgage fraud on one of two vacation properties she purchased in Florida with the money she withdrew early from the retirement fund.

Dubious claims of political and racial targeting

In early May, just weeks ahead of her sentencing hearing, The Baltimore Sun reported that Mosby had launched a public campaign to urge President Biden to grant her a pardon for the perjury and mortgage fraud convictions that carried maximum penalties that totaled up to 40 years in prison.

During an interview with MSNBC's Joy Reid, Mosby asserted that she'd done "absolutely nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing criminal," and further stated of the incumbent Democratic president, "I’m confident that this administration will see past the political attacks."

The black former Democratic prosecutor has loudly blamed Republicans and the prior Trump administration for her legal woes and insisted that she was only investigated and prosecuted for politically and racially motivated reasons.

Yet, The Sun observed that Mosby was first indicted in January 2022, a year after Trump left office, and her case was handled by Maryland U.S. Attorney Erek Barron and Judge Griggsby, both of whom are black and were appointed to their current positions by President Biden.

Mosby's public campaign for a presidential pardon

The Baltimore Banner reported this week that Mosby was "not asking quietly" for a presidential pardon but instead was publicly demanding clemency in multiple media appearances. She has also touted the support she has received in calling for a pardon by more than a dozen civil rights groups, including the NAACP, along with other interest groups like the Congressional Black Caucus.

In her filed application for a pardon -- which typically aren't even considered until at least five years after a conviction and sentencing, Mosby wrote, "While pardon applications generally express remorse and regret, what happens when justice was not served and in fact, denied? No such remorse and regret is appropriate in this case."

That attitude was highlighted by federal prosecutors in their unsuccessful request that Mosby be sentenced to 20 months in prison, as they observed in a court filing that her "unremorseful and unrepentant actions belie any contrition, recognition, or deterrence," and added, "She has displayed no remorse; she accepts no responsibility; she has no regrets for her actions; and she has consistently worked to undermine public faith in the justice system for her own benefit."

Whether President Biden is swayed by Mosby's public campaign for a pardon or is turned off by her complete lack of contrition remains unknown, but most analysts and experts suggested that it was unlikely that Biden would be persuaded to grant her request for clemency.

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