Cornel West picks BLM co-founder to serve as running mate

 April 11, 2024

In addition to Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump, the 2024 election will feature a number of lesser-known candidates, including Dr. Cornel West.

West made headlines this week when he announced that his vice presidential pick is a controversial Black Lives Matter activist. 

West praises running mate for "unique black analysis"

According to Fox News, West announced during an interview with radio host Tavis Smiley that he had picked Dr. Melina Abdullah to serve as his running mate.

"At this historic and pivotal moment, it is my profound honor to stand alongside my dear sister, Dr. Melina Abdullah, a fierce and tireless advocate for truth, justice, and transformative change," West told Smiley.

"Sister Melina’s incredible courage, keen intellect, and deep vision have greatly served the cause of liberation in education, worker rights, and both racial and gender justice," he continued.

"Her unique black analysis and witness helps us confront our crumbling era of empire, white supremacy, and patriarchy," West stressed.

The candidate went on to say that he looks "forward to working with her as we strengthen our commitment in our campaign for truth, justice and love."

Abdullah touts her Islamic faith

For her part, Abdullah told Smiley, "I regard [West], and many of us regard him as one of the most brilliant people to walk this earth, and so I've been following him and have been really enthusiastic about his candidacy," Abdullah said on Smiley’s show.

"He and his wife, Annahita, asked and immediately my heart just soared. I said 'yes' immediately. Like, shouted 'yes,'" Abdullah recalled.

Abdullah went on to reference her Muslim faith, saying, "When we talk about Islam we talk about people who submit to the will of God."

"Christianity and Islam and every other faith, if you think about the core of who we are as spiritual people, we're all aligned," she insisted.

Vice presidential candidate likened cops to KKK

Fox News pointed out that in addition to being a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Abdullah is known for making extreme statements on social media, such as likening law enforcement to the Ku Klux Klan.

She also criticized singer Beyoncé for featuring an American flag on her album cover, writing, "The [American flag] symbolizes the genocide of Indigenous people, the theft of their land, the enslavement, dehumanization, and exploitation of Black people, and settler colonialism."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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