Critics mock president's attempt to blame border crisis on Republicans

 March 24, 2023

In an odd move, President Joe Biden recently accused House Republicans of exacerbating America's ongoing border crisis. Yet as Fox News noted, critics had difficulty taking that claim seriously.

The president asserted in a tweet on Tuesday that the GOP "put out extreme budget proposals that would eliminate funding for over 2,000 border patrol agents – undermining our ability to combat drug trafficking."

Biden accused of "living in an alternate universe"

What's more, Biden boasted that his "budget keeps our borders secure while expanding legal pathways for migrants seeking asylum."

Those words were met with derision from Tommy Pigott, who serves as rapid response director for RNC Research. He demanded to know if the president is "living in an alternate universe."

"Officials say the U.S. does not have operational control of much of the border right now. Cartels do," Pigott continued, adding, "And reminder: Democrats blocked Republicans from hiring 18,000 Border Patrol agents."

Border Patrol chief says administration lacks "operational control"

Pigott's comments lined up with what Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz told members of the House Homeland Security Committee earlier this month, saying, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) lacks "operational control" over America's border with Mexico.

Author John Hawkins also offered a sarcastic take, saying, "Yes, it must be those Republicans who want unlimited illegal immigration and open borders, not the guy who has been making that happen for his entire presidency."

"A total fabrication"

A number of Republican lawmakers weighed in as well, including Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, who dismissed Biden's words as being "a total fabrication."

"In your 2024 budget proposal, you call for billion-dollar cuts to border security operations and ICE," Biggs pointed out.

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Thomas Jefferson
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