Critics say Biden administration 'blew up the Middle East' by enabling Iran

 December 7, 2023

Some have suggested that First Lady Jill Biden is taking on more responsibility at the White House as her husband declines. If what one commentator says is true, then the First Lady's workload is about to get heavier.

On Wednesday, Fox News commentator Mark Levin asserted that President Joe Biden has blood on his hands after emboldening extremists in the Middle East.

"Joe Biden blew up the Middle East"

Levin pointed to the Biden administration's decision to free up billions of dollars in Iranian assets that had been previously frozen.

"Joe Biden blew up the Middle East," the host complained, adding "And it really is about time we start to focus on this administration."

Levin then spoke of how the region was relatively calm during former President Donald Trump's time in office, stating, "Iran was going broke. They were on their back. The people were rising up."

"Hamas got no funding out of UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) at the U.N., which is really another front group because Donald Trump cut it off," he noted.

"You have blood on your hands"

"The Palestinian Liberation Organization, founded by Arafat, the moderate Palestinians, their money was cut off by Donald Trump," Levin continued.

The host then recalled that there were "five Arab/Muslim countries reaching out to Israel through the United States for a peace agreement. Saudi Arabia was next in line."

That was a reference to the Abraham Accords, a series of agreements which the Trump administration brokered between Israel and a group of Muslim nations.

"And so when I watch Blinken get up there and lecture the Israelis about how to treat their enemy, I say to myself, you have blood on your hands, pal," Levin remarked. "What about you? What about your responsibility for lighting up the Middle East?"

Senators object to freeing up cash for Iran

"You sit there, you're still funding Iran, you're still funding Hamas, you're still funding the PLO. And now you put your foot on the throat of Israel and you ask, what about the civilians?" the conservative commentator demanded.

Levin isn't alone in taking the Biden administration to task over its handling of Middle Eastern affairs, as Fox News reported last week that South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott and two dozen of his colleagues sent a letter to the White House.

They pointed out that the "administration has inadvisably taken steps to unlock tens of billions of dollars for Iran to fund additional terrorist activities that directly threaten American lives."

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