Dem lawmaker who used profanity to describe the suburbs faces backlash

 July 2, 2023

The Democrat lawmaker from Wisconsin who recently said "f*** the suburbs" is now facing significant criticism for her remark, according to Fox News

The lawmaker is Wisconsin state Sen. LaTonya Johnson, a Democrat who represents the state's 6th District, which includes Milwaukee.

Johnson made the remark on the floor of the state senate during a recently-held debate about whether or not to address the rise in crime more funding ought to be allocated for the police. Check out how Johnson finished off her speech:

"F*** the suburbs"

Associated Press reporter Scott Bauer detailed what precipitated Johnson's remarks. According to Bauer, it was, specifically, "crime in Milwaukee and concerns about it spreading from the city to the suburbs."

Johnson said:

To say that these additional police are needed because crime is spilling out into the suburbs. What about these babies who are being lost right in their own cities? F*** the suburbs because they don't know a goddamn thing about how life is in the city.

Bauer goes on to report, "Cursing on the floor of the Senate and Assembly is certainly not unprecedented, but it is highly unusual."

Yet, Bauer adds, "Democratic Sen. @TimCarpenterMKE praised Johnson for giving an impassioned description of concerns about violence and policing in Milwaukee."

This is not, however, how everyone has responded to Johnson's remarks. Rather, many have condemned her for them.

"Politically dumb"

Some of the harshest criticism of Johnson came from former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

McEnany said:

You’re just going to cast away part of society. We’re constituents, we're Americans, those of us who live in the suburbs. But, also it’s just politically dumb. Suburban women are a powerhouse voting bloc . . . So, this suburban women cohort, that we on the right will try to court, you're just going to toss them aside? F the suburbs? Go with that, see how it works out.

McEnany, here, was referring to the fact that many attribute President Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election to the suburban vote.

What adds an extra layer to this story are reports that Johnson actually lives in - or lived in - the suburbs.

After moving to Wisconsin, from an extremely small town in Tennessee, Johnson ran a daycare - Anointed Child Chare Services - out of her home, which was located in Wisconsin's suburbs.

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