Dem leaders' worry grows as Biden's poll numbers plummet

 March 3, 2024

A recent poll indicating unfavorable numbers for President Joe Biden has sparked concern among prominent Democrats, Politico reports.

The survey, conducted by The New York Times and Siena College and released on Saturday, revealed that Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump by five percentage points.

The details

The poll showed that Biden is only able to attract 83 percent of his previous 2020 voters, with ten percent now expressing support for Trump.

Following the release of these findings, Democrats interviewed by Politico described the results as reminiscent of "a slow-motion car crash" and "pretty concerning."

Democratic Rep. Adam Smith of Washington expressed the prevailing sentiment within the party, noting that the "level of freak out remains high."

Smith acknowledged worries about Biden's candidacy, citing concerns over his age, campaign messaging, and criticisms from within the party's left wing. Despite this, Smith expressed a somewhat tempered personal concern, stating, "I am personally less freaked out than most… But I too wish Biden and his team were stronger campaigners."

Party problems

In addition to losing voters to Trump, the poll revealed that Biden is also experiencing losses among demographics traditionally aligned with the Democratic Party. Trump has gained the lead among Latino voters, and women are now evenly split between Trump and Biden, according to The New York Times.

An unnamed Democrat described the situation as resembling "a slow-motion car crash," expressing skepticism over the parity in support between Biden and Trump among women voters. However, the individual suggested that Biden may still have an opportunity to rally his base, albeit acknowledging that time is running short.

Another Democrat voiced concern over the poll results, cautioning against complacency despite recognizing that polls offer only a "snapshot in time."

The individual highlighted persistent low voter sentiment on the economy and significant slippage among voters of color. This sentiment underscores the need for improvement and change within the party's approach.

Still trying

Responding to the poll, Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler emphasized the campaign's resilience, stating that they are "ignoring the noise" and remaining focused on running a strong campaign.

Tyler pointed to the campaign's performance in special elections and primaries as evidence that Biden and Democrats continue to outperform Trump and the Republican Party despite challenges.

Overall, the poll results have prompted Democrats to reevaluate their strategies and redouble their efforts as they navigate the evolving political landscape ahead of future elections.

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