Dem strategist warns Biden-Harris against 'freezing out' their top advisers

 May 30, 2024

There's something weird going on at the White House, and it's not just conservatives who feel that way. 

According to Fox News, Democratic strategist Doug Schoen expressed concern in a recent interview that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are "freezing out" their advisers.

Schoen pointed out that the Biden-Harris campaign seems to be completely tone-deaf with the concerns of American voters, primarily on the economic front, among other top issues.

Instead, Schoen said, they seem to continue to double down on demonizing former President Donald Trump instead of addressing valid concerns that millions of working-class Americans across the country currently have.

What'd he say?

Schoen sounded the alarm on Biden and Harris essentially shutting out their Democratic advisers, including himself and two other successful advisers who were critical for the Obama and Clinton administrations.

"[Progressives] could stay home, they could vote for RFK Jr. And in states like Minnesota and particularly Michigan, that could be enough to cost the president at least two swing states and potentially the presidency.… What I'm picking up is that the White House is uniquely tone-deaf and not listening to not only me, but two Democratic insiders who've been in past campaigns, who've been successful with the Obama administration, the Clinton administration," Schoen said recently on "Fox & Friends."

He added, "There's a near-total freeze-out on outside advice to the detriment of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."

Schoen pointed out the obvious concerns of the administration as far as polling numbers go, adding that he doesn't believe Biden-Harris have a plan of attack to boost those numbers and/or address voters' primary concerns.

"I don't think [the Biden campaign] has a clear theory of the case or strategy. They have no message on inflation. They have no message on the southern border. All that they appear to do is demonize Donald Trump and talk about their statistical record of accomplishments. And everything I see in my polls and every other poll says it just isn't working."

He also noted that the administration has an equally tough challenge on its hands as far as progressive revolt in the wake of the administration's stance on Israel's counterattack on Gaza.

The progressive problem

As Schoen pointed out, Michigan and Minnesota are states that Biden needs to win, but they're also states represented by two progressive "Squad" members, Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have publicly criticized Biden for his policy stance on Israel.

Fox News noted:

At the People's Conference for Palestine on Sunday, Tlaib sounded off on Biden, labeling him an "enabler" of genocide.

"President Biden says what's happening in Gaza is not a genocide. But we're not going to forget in November, are we? You are an enabler, President Biden," she said.

Omar recently told reporters, "It is unconscionable what is happening and the fact that it continues to happen with our support. We have to continue to pressure the administration to change course."

It'll be interesting to see how Biden and Harris work to win over frustrated and angry voters, but according to Schoen, with freezing out all of their outside advisers, there's no telling what they're up to.


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