Dem strategists post selfie of Biden, Obama in wake of publication of Epstein list

 January 5, 2024

In the wake of the release of the list of associates of the deceased, disgraced, sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, political operatives and others seized the moment.

While the list, ordered unsealed by a judge, named several high-profile people, including former President Bill Clinton, defenders of President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama used an old selfie of the two to proclaim their innocence.

Epstein died in prison just weeks after he was arrested for sex-trafficking charges. His death has sparked numerous conspiracies regarding high-profile figures being involved in his various sex-trafficking ventures.

The unsealing of the list this week resulted in a renewed interest in who was involved with Epstein and to what extent.

What was the picture?

Dem strategist Keith Edwards posted an old selfie of Obama and Biden, considered Biden's first Instagram selfie, and captioned the photo with, "When you're not on the list."

As of this writing, the post has received over 2 million views and counting.

However, comments on the post by social media users were largely not in Obama and Biden's favor, as many strongly believe the two are linked to Epstein and his infamous island where horrific things reportedly took place with minor victims.

"They aren't on the unredacted parts of the court documents. We don't have the official list since it's the most protected document today. They both may very well be on it. However we do know by sworn testimony that Trump hasn't been to the Island nor visit Epstein's homes," one X user wrote.

Another X user implied they could be on a future list, writing, "There is more than one list."

Media protecting Clinton

Perhaps the most stunning revelation from the list at this point is what one witness reportedly said about former President Bill Clinton, though one would be hard-pressed to find any mainstream media outlets reporting it like they would if it were, say, Donald Trump.

In the transcript, one of Epstein's accusers was asked if Epstein ever talked to them about Bill Clinton.

"He said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls," the accuser reportedly said.

With as many independent journalists digging through the documents by the hour, there's no telling what other bombshells will come out of it.

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