Demi Lovato abandons they/them pronouns; says it was 'exhausting'

 June 15, 2023

Demi Lovato has turned back to using she/her pronouns, claiming she grew tired of explaining her attempt at using nonbinary they/them pronouns instead.

Lovato shared the switch in an interview with GQ published Thursday.

The comments

“I constantly had to educate people and explain why I identified with those pronouns. It was absolutely exhausting,” Lovato said.

“I just got tired. But for that very reason I know that it is important to continue spreading the word," she added.

Second thoughts

“I’ve actually adopted the pronouns of she/her, again," Lovato also said in an interview with "The Sprout Podcast."

“Recently I’ve been feeling more feminine, and so I’ve adopted she/her again,” Demi said on the podcast. “But I think what’s important is, like, nobody’s perfect. Everyone messes up pronouns at some point, and especially when people are learning, it’s just all about respect.”

"In 2021, Lovato came out as non-binary, explaining to fans that they would be using they/them pronouns going forward," the Independent wrote.

"The singer told fans on social media that they had been 'doing some healing and self-reflective work' in the past year that had ultimately led them to re-examining their gender identity," it added.

The pronoun switch also came as Lovato was included in a new photoshoot in GQ that fans are reportedly excited about as she moves forward with her updated look.

Lovato is also reportedly still dating boyfriend Jutes, also a musician, as the former Disney star continues to evolve in her views and relationships.

The new update shows that some of those adopting the recent they/them pronouns are doing so only as a temporary move and may not plan to remain with the nonbinary decision long-term. In Lovato's case, the move was considered exhausting, leading to a change to more traditional pronouns as she moves forward in her relationship and stage of life.

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