Democrat-controlled cities begin moving forward with plans to ban gas stoves

 January 21, 2023

Forget President Joe Biden's inflation or the fact that you're paying triple the amount at the grocery store, Democrats want those dangerous gas stoves out of your kitchen, and some Dem-led cities are already road-mapping exactly how that'll happen, and how much money will be made in the process. 

According to Fox News, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and New York City are some of the major examples of cities that have already taken action against natural gas-supplied stoves and appliances.

The morons in charge of such asinine decisions claim they believe such bans will eventually help achieve the liberal fantasy of net-zero emissions.

About 10 million people reside in just the aforementioned cities, with countless millions of gas stoves, ovens, and furnaces being targeted.

What's going on?

New York, for example, was tricked into the idea of purging natural gas appliances by former Mayor Bill de Blasio. In December of 2021, he commented on the idea.

"New York City is proof that it’s possible to end the era of fossil fuels, invest in a sustainable future, protect public health and create good-paying jobs in the process," the former mayor said at the time.

"If the largest city in America can take this critical step to ban gas use, any city can do the same," he added.

Fox News noted: "Following his remarks, de Blasio signed a law requiring the phase-out of fossil fuel usage in new buildings. The law, which goes into effect this year and mandates new buildings are fully electric by 2027, made New York City the largest city and first large cold-weather city to phase out fossil fuel combustion in new construction."

Los Angeles eventually followed suit, banning natural gas appliances in new buildings. Seattle took similar actions before New York and Los Angeles.

What isn't mentioned by Democrats and liberal city leaders is the extremely profitable venture that will present itself to the companies that will win contracts to remove gas stoves and appliances from existing buildings, if their ridiculous efforts get that far. Piles of money will be made.

The backlash

Social media users slammed Democrats for ignoring actual problems like the immigration crisis or inflation, and instead focusing on taking away your gas stove.

"The same people who told you that margarine is better than butter are telling you that your gas stove is making you sick," one Twitter user wrote.

Another Twitter user wrote, "Gas stoves have been widely accepted and used since 1888. The same people who told you Manhattan would be COMPLETELY underwater by June 2015, are telling you that gas stoves give you asthma. SPEAK UP NOW b/c your gas heater, gas clothes dryer, and gas fireplace are next."

Only time will tell how far Democrats will push this issue, but it sure looks and feels like a distraction to cover up their mounting failures.


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