Democrat investor Marty Dolan launches bid to unseat Ocasio-Cortez

 March 16, 2024

Radical progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has enjoyed some level of security in holding her congressional seat for several years now. 

However, she now faces a serious threat from a new challenger who recently told Fox News that "enough is enough," saying he believes many feel strongly that it's time for Squad member AOC to be ousted.

In an interview with Fox News host Lawrence Jones, veteran Wall Street investor Marty Dolan emphasized that AOC's policies have led New Yorkers to feel more unsafe than ever.

Dolan pointed to everyday issues that affect New Yorkers and their feeling of being unsafe, including the cities now increasingly dangerous subway tunnels, where crime runs rampant.

Subway dangers

Dolan, running as a Democrat, was asked why he was running. He quickly held up a recent New York Post cover headlined, "HELL RIDE," a piece written that describes the ever-increasing dangers of being a victim of crime in NYC subway tunnels and trains.

He also stressed that the streets of New York City are more dangerous than ever, implying that AOC simply doesn't care.

"This is what you're getting in the subways. This is what you're getting in the streets. You're getting a complete lack of confidence and comfort in what's supposed to be the best city in the world. So, the standards have just gotten too low, and things have slipped," Dolan said.

"Enough is enough," he added.

When asked how Dolan plans to unseat AOC, who, shockingly, remains popular in the polls, he said he'll simply work to expose her as someone who might look good in the media, but not so much to millions of everyday people who have to live in her crime-ridden district.

"A lot of dissatisfaction"

Dolan noted that New Yorkers are generally dissatisfied with how the city has moved even closer to a real life version of Gotham City under AOC's watch, adding that her radical policies aren't helping matters.

"There’s a lot of dissatisfaction in the district," Dolan said, adding, "a lot of what AOC has done has been very good at the headlines, but not so good in the street."

Dolan also touched on the immigration crisis taking over the city and making it even more dangerous as undocumented migrants litter the streets and commit crimes against American citizens and take their benefits.

"So whether it's the Green New Deal, whether it's the Amazon deal, whether it's the immigrants that are coming in and taking benefits that are intended for constituents, she's really putting, you know, the headlines first and the constituents second," Dolan said.

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