Democrat Rep. Cori Bush under federal investigation

 January 31, 2024

Far left "defund the police" Democrat Rep. Cori Bush (MO) is under investigation over payments to her husband for "security services."

Members of the House were informed Monday that the House Sergeant-At-Arms was served with a grand jury subpoena from the Justice Department.

In a lengthy statement Tuesday, Bush confirmed that she is under investigation, but she denied wrongdoing and promptly blamed conservatives for the probe.

Cori Bush under investigation

Bush defended hiring her husband, citing his "extensive experience in this area." She said he was paid "at or below a fair market rate" using campaign money.

"I have not used any federal tax dollars for personal security services. Any reporting that I have used federal funds for personal security is simply false," she said.

Bush allegedly paid $60,000 to her now-husband, Cortney Merritts, through her campaign, even though Merritts "does not have a St. Louis private security license," according to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint filed last year.

"Relentless threats"

In her statement Tuesday, Bush, a notorious anti-police radical, cited "relentless threats" as the reason for her spending on private security and blamed the probe on "right-wing organizations" spreading lies about her.

"I hold myself, my campaign, and my position to the highest levels of integrity," she said.

"I also believe in transparency which is why I can confirm that the Department of Justice is reviewing my campaign’s spending on security services," she said.

"We are fully cooperating in this investigation, and I would like to take this opportunity to outline the facts and the truth," she continued.

Re-election in danger...

Bush, who is black, accused Texas Republican Troy Nehls of "endangering black lives" after he described her husband as a "thug" and suggested Bush had brought threats on herself with her aggressive rhetoric.

"@RepTryoNehls just called my husband, a Black man and army veteran, a thug. And I'm the loud Black woman who needs to be silent in order to be safe from violence, or else?" she wrote on X.

The federal investigation could jeopardize Bush's re-election by boosting a primary challenge from St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell.

House Majority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) emphasized that Bush is "entitled to the presumption of innocence."

"It is our expectation that the investigation will follow the facts, apply the law and be conducted in a professional manner," a spokesperson for Jeffries said.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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