Democratic Senate candidate Katie Porter hit with domestic abuse allegations

 April 15, 2023

Democrat Katie Porter's Senate campaign could be over before it begins as she reckons with dirty laundry from her marriage, including allegations of domestic abuse.

In divorce records, Porter's ex-husband Matt Hoffmann claimed that she poured scalding hot mashed potatoes on his head and injured him by smashing a glass coffee pot, among other violent outbursts.

Democrat faces abuse scandal

Porter, now a single mom, was the breadwinner for the family of five. In divorce records, Hoffmann said his ex-wife was physically and verbally abusive, calling him "incompetent" and "too dumb" to have a cell phone.

In one alleged instance in 2012, Porter flew into a rage when she came home to a messy house. She threw a glass coffee pot, sending glass shards flying that cut Hoffmann.

"This house is a mess! You f***ing slob! You're incompetent! What the f*** do you do all day!" Porter allegedly screamed.

One time in 2006, Porter allegedly poured steaming hot mashed potatoes on Hoffmann's head after she became frustrated, shouting, "Can't you read the f***ing instructions!"

The husband stands by his claims

Shortly after filing for divorce in 2013, the couple had a big fight at home that led to mutual claims of abuse. Porter claimed Hoffmann called her obscenities, "grabbed both [of her] hands and squeezed," and elbowed her, while Hoffmann said Porter had punched him, leaving him with a bruised arm.

Porter did not call police for 11 hours. Her husband said she lied to the cops about what happened, but she said Hoffmann threatened her with suicide.

Hoffmann was arrested on battery charges. Porter sought a restraining order, and Hoffmann did the same.

Porter's campaign now claims Hoffmann had retracted his claims of abuse. He says that isn't true, although records from a custody dispute say he regretted making the allegations.

"I do not recant the allegations," Hoffman told Fox News.

Competitive primary

Porter is running in a competitive primary to replace retiring California Senator Dianne Feinstein (D). Other candidates include Adam Schiff (D-Ca.) and Barbara Lee (D-Ca.).

Porter's divorce previously came up when she ran for the House. At the time, she confronted the issue, claiming she was the victim, and she has stuck to that story, dismissing her husband's claims as a defensive tactic.

"Porter's then-husband's [protective order] request was not supported by any evidence, other than his false allegations," Porter campaign spokesperson Lindsay Reilly told Daily Mail. "This common defensive tactic is designed to intimidate a victim."

Prior to their divorce, Porter said her marriage was "troubled", but that Hoffman had never been violent, except for one instance when he had punched a wall.

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