Democrats "Bully" RFK Out Of Supporting Moms For Liberty

 July 6, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. had originally agreed to speak at a "Moms for Liberty" event.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice just revealed the shocking reason that RFK had to pull out:

Classic leftist intimidation.

Justice used the word "bully" to explain the tactics that liberals used to prevent RFK from speaking at her event.

RFK's campaign didn't quite word it like that, but what were they supposed to say?

"Mr. Kennedy believes in speaking to a variety of groups, even when he doesn't share their views on all subjects. In this case however, scheduling and family matters prevented him from attending the event," the campaign said to the Washington Examiner.

Justice knows EXACTLY what this is:

America's powerful liberals using intimidation to get what they want.

And if you think that this is limited to how they treat other politicians, think again. It was intimidation and bullying tactics that the left deployed when they had the FBI label parents attending schoolboard meetings as "domestic terrorists."

Before you ever go around calling anyone crazy, as yourself... "Is the alternative to what they're saying to simply trust our corrupt government?"

If the answer is yes, maybe they aren't so crazy after all.

I don't think the parents who wanted to know about their kids' educations were crazy.

I don't think Tiffany Justice is crazy either.

"This effort to silence parents is extremely concerning," Justice said. She even compared it to the way parents were treated at school board meetings just a few years ago when they were "shut down, their mics were cut off, citizen input was canceled."

"It just shows you that we are a threat; we're disrupting the balance of power. There are a lot of people that make a lot of money off of public education, specifically, the teachers unions, and I think that they're gunning for us."

"They're lying about us left and right, and if you have to lie about us to try to hurt us, you're already losing," Justice concluded.

What do you think? Does this make RFK as corrupt as the rest of them for not standing up for what was right? Or do you think he really did have a scheduling conflict intermingled with family issues? Let us know in the comments below.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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