Democrats pursue a measure to censure Justice Alito

 May 26, 2024

Congressional Democrats are currently pursuing a measure to censure U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. 

In fact, according to Axios, the measure is said to be "gaining traction" among Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

"A resolution to censure Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito . . . is picking up support from House Democrats," the outlet reports.

Still, with the Republicans in control of the House, the measure is unlikely to get past the lower chamber - that is, unless some House Republicans decide to join their Democrat colleagues. But, at the time of this writing, this does not seem likely to happen.

What's going on?

In brief, congressional Democrats are, once again, targeting a conservative member of the Supreme Court. These attacks have really ramped up in recent months, suggesting that the Democrats are desperately trying to get a conservative justice removed before the upcoming election so that President Joe Biden can replace a conservative justice with a liberal one.

Recently, the Democrats have taken issue with an incident that occurred at Alito's house several years ago. The New York Times published a report indicating that on Jan. 17, 2021 - not long after the U.S. Capitol protest of Jan. 6, 2021 - an upside-down flag was photographed flying at the Alexandria, Virginia, home of Virginia.

Fox News explains the controversy, writing that the upside-down flag, at the time, was "a symbol adopted by some Trump supporters disputing the results of the 2020 presidential election."

So, the left is claiming that Alito is a biased judge, in favor of Trump, and, thus, ought to recuse himself from Trump-related cases, or even be removed from the Supreme Court altogether.

Alito, for his part, claims that he had nothing to do with the upside-down flag incident - that it was his wife's doing.

The censure resolution

Removal and recusal efforts have yet to get anywhere, so congressional Democrats are pursuing a censure resolution.

"A censure resolution introduced by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) on Tuesday has picked up a dozen Democratic co-sponsors, including four on Thursday," Axios reports.

The outlet continues, "The five-page measure accuses Alito of violating Supreme Court recusal and ethics standards and 'calling the impartiality of the Supreme Court ... into question by continuing to participate in cases in which his prior public conduct could be reasonably interpreted to demonstrate bias.'"

Neither the Supreme Court nor Alito has responded to this news.

It remains to be seen how this will all play out.

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Thomas Jefferson
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