Dershowitz: 'Of course' there is adequate evidence for a Biden impeachment inquiry

 June 12, 2023

Alan Dershowitz, emeritus professor of law at Harvard and advocate for civil liberties, stated on Sunday that there is "of course" sufficient evidence for House Republicans to launch an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden for extortion.

Dershowitz appeared on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM Patriot 125 to discuss the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump for purportedly mishandling classified documents by special counsel Jack Smith, as Breitbart News reported.

Pollak questioned Dershowitz about the timing of the indictment, which was handed down on the same day that the FBI was compelled to provide Congress with a document allegedly implicating then-Vice President Biden in bribery.

This information, alleging Biden's involvement in a $5 million bribery conspiracy linked to Ukrainian business interests, was revealed after Chinese companies made indirect payments to Biden family members.

The Professor's Comments

“Could the Republican-led House investigate Joe Biden for bribery, which is one of the explicitly impeachable offenses in the Constitution, based on the evidence they’ve seen so far?” Pollak asked Dershowitz.

“Of course,” Dershowitz replied. “And there is enough to investigate. There’s a big gulf between ‘enough to investigate’ [and] enough to establish probable cause, enough to indict — we’re not even close to [the latter], but enough to investigate?

"Of course. I mean, the FBI statement by the so-called reliable informant, if they believe it to be true, gives them enough to investigate.

“And of course the House, when it was controlled by Democrats, went very, very far in investigating Donald Trump, and as I said at the time, there’ll be tit-for-tat when the Republicans get control of the House, they’ll do the same thing,” he continued.

“I’d prefer to see mutual disarmament, but you can’t have unilateral disarmament. If one side weaponizes the impeachment and the criminal justice system, you can expect the other side will do as well.”

More Commentary on Biden

Dershowitz also stated that Trump's indictment, while serious, falls short of the "Richard Nixon standard" and the "Hillary Clinton standard"

That standard was established by the Department of Justice when it chose not to investigate the leading Democratic Party candidate for president despite evidence that she destroyed classified information.

In a Sunday Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Dershowitz stated:

Even with the recorded statements [by Trump], this case isn’t nearly as strong as the one that led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974.

Nixon was almost certainly guilty of destroying evidence, bribing witnesses and other acts of obstruction. Many of the charges in this case are matters of degree. Nor have prosecutors any evidence that Mr. Trump’s actions damaged national security more than those of Mr. Biden, Mr. Pence and Mrs. Clinton did.

Dershowitz defended Trump during his second impeachment trial, but reportedly voted twice against the former president.

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