DeSantis unloads on Trump following campaign announcement

 May 28, 2023

While former President Donald Trump has been attacking Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for months, DeSantis has had little to say in return.

However, the governor seems to have reversed that policy after formally kicking off his campaign last week. 

DeSantis: Trump has become "a different guy"

CNN pointed to that fact in a report on Friday, noting how "DeSantis is going after Trump like never before," including during an interview with conservative talk radio host Matt Murphy.

The governor complained that Trump "is a different guy today than when he was running in 2015 and 2016," adding, "I don’t know what happened to Donald Trump."

The New York Post reported that DeSantis leveled similar complaints about Trump when he spoke with "Good Morning NH" on Thursday, complaining that the former president is "moving to the left."

"He also attacked me for voting against one of the bloated omnibus spending bills that he supported as president. And I agree — I don’t think you should do those bloated bills," the governor declared.

Florida governor argues that attacks on his campaign prove he is a threat

"We’re $31 trillion in debt — and he added almost $8 trillion in debt in just four years as president," DeSantis pointed out.

What's more, DeSantis highlighted Trump's criticism over "opposing an immigration amnesty that he supported when he was president for illegal aliens," adding, "And I did oppose it because I don’t support amnesty."

DeSantis said Trump's attacks are evidence that "I was right on those issues and he wasn’t" as well as the threat that his candidacy poses.

"I think a lot of what he’s doing is showing everybody that he understands that I’ve got a good chance to beat him," DeSantis insisted. "Because he doesn’t criticize anybody else now, it’s only me."

"They wouldn’t do that if they didn’t think that I had a chance, because I think they realize I am offering folks a record of achievement that’s second to none. They know that I’m more likely to win the election," he continued.

Congressman says Trump's inability to run again would leave him "unleashed"

DeSantis went on to stress that if elected, he would be free to run again, something Trump is constitutionally prohibited from doing.

However, Texas Republican Rep. Wesley Hunt recently countered by arguing that Trump's inability to seek a third term would leave him "unleashed on day one" as he would have no concerns about his political future.

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