Disney executive's close relationship with Kamala Harris under scrutiny before ABC debate

 August 14, 2024

To say that Kamala Harris' entire candidacy has been a bit of a sham would be a horrific understatement.

Kamala's entire candidacy has been one big scam, from the primary election she never won to how she's now trying to make debates only happen on her terms.

America should have realized that we couldn't trust Kamala Harris after she came out and insisted that Joe Biden was capable of being president even after he first debate performance. For some reason though, this crazy lady continues to get a platform.

One of those platforms is ABC

Donald Trump wanted things to be fair and have a debate held on Fox News so that he could get the same treatment the liberal side did when CNN hosted the debate. Kamala Harris was NOT keen on that, but do you know who she would love to host the debates?

ABC News.

After just a little digging, it's not hard to see why. According to Fox News, "Dana Walden, a senior Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC News, is one of Vice President Kamala Harris' 'extraordinary friends.'"

Kamala and Dana have been friends for THIRTY years, while their husbands have been buddies since the EIGHTIES.

Are we really expected to believe that ABC is going to make sure things happen right down the middle when we have evidence of Walden having donated to Kamala Harris frequently since at least 2003? Walden also donated $20,000 to Joe Biden in 2023.

According to Fox, Walden has donated to Harris on at least three different occasions already, and that's not including any money Walden has given for Kamala's 2024 campaign. For some reason, ABC is choosing to regard this connection as a non-issue.

"ABC News has built its longstanding reputation on journalistic integrity," ABC said in a statement. "All editorial decisions are in the hands of ABC News management and the seasoned journalists and producers of ABC, who hold themselves to the highest journalistic standards."

Kamala shouldn't even be here.

Not only is it unfair that Kamala refuses to agree to debate on neutral terms, she shouldn't even have the nomination in the first place. America knows that Kamala Harris would have never have been able to secure the primary votes needed if she had to be elected fairly, that's why Democrats had to parachute her into this position.

It was all a coup from the very beginning to have a black woman represent their party to play identity politics as opposed to putting forth a competent candidate. The liberal elite simply want somebody who is willing to follow their orders at every term, and they've found the black woman face to do that.

Kamala Harris didn't collect any votes in any primary election, yet she is her party's nominee.

Kamala Harris should be abiding by Trump's rules for subsequent debates after the first was held on CNN, but she refuses to be fair.

Kamala Harris should have never made it past local politics in California, but slept with the Mayor of San Francisco in an attempt to get ahead.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson