Elon Musk: 'Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory' if arrested

 March 19, 2023

According to Fox News, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg may be preparing to indict former President Donald Trump next week on allegations that he paid illegal hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

While there has been much speculation over what effect that would have on the 2024 election, billionaire Elon Musk says it would decide the outcome. 

"Landslide" prediction

"If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory," Fox News quoted Musk as declaring in a tweet on Saturday.

Musk was not alone in offering that assessment, as Canadian attorney and political commentator David Freiheit tweeted out similar sentiments.

So did RCI Hospitality Holdings Inc. CEO Eric Langan, who said, "How can these people be so stupid. His base will be so motivated by this. The free press alone will be incredible for his platform. The left will never learn."

DA probing $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels

Fox News pointed to a source who said Bragg met with law enforcement in recent days to "discuss logistics for some time next week, which would mean that they are anticipating an indictment next week."

The move came in the wake of a years-long investigation revolving around the $130,000 paid by Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen to Daniels in 2016.

Daniels received the cash a decade after she and Trump engaged in a brief affair, something critics assert amounted to an unlawful campaign expenditure.

However, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley told Fox News that the case contains a "number of flaws" and is almost certainly being pursued for political reasons.

Kevin McCarthy threatens to investigate

"You have to show that that money was paid with the election solely in mind. There's obviously a lot of different reasons why a married man would want to hush up a scandal with a former stripper," Turley noted.

The legal expert also added, "I think Bragg is out of time. The statute of limitations is about two years on this offense. That has already run."

"You can extend it to five years if you connect it as a felony to another crime," Turley acknowledged before stressing, "Even at five years, I'm not sure the time has not run out. So there's going to be some very intense challenges here."

For his part, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy promised to investigate whether federal funds are being used to support Bragg's efforts.

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Thomas Jefferson
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