Fani Willis fired employee who exposed her misuse of federal funds

 February 2, 2024

The worker who cautioned Fani Willis against mishandling federal funds was possibly terminated by her. She, as yet, has not refuted the accusations.

Willis spoke with Amanda Timpson, a district attorney's office employee in 2021 who was in charge of providing "alternatives to the juvenile court system" for nonviolent juvenile offenders, less than a year into her position, as the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Timpson told Willis, according to an audio recording that the Washington Free Beacon reviewed, that she had been demoted for trying to prevent a senior aide to Willis's campaign from abusing federal grant funds intended for a program to prevent gang violence among young people.

Details of the firing ...

Michael Cuffee, the aide, was allegedly going to buy "swag," computers, and travel using a portion of a $488,000 federal grant that was supposed to go toward building a Center for Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention.

"He wanted to do things with grants that were impossible, and I kept telling him, like, 'We can't do that,'" Timpson told Willis in a Nov. 19, 2021, meeting. "He told everybody … 'We're going to get MacBooks, we're going to get swag, we're going to use it for travel.' I said, 'You cannot do that, it's a very, very specific grant.'"

"I respect that is your assessment," Willis responded. "And I'm not saying that your assessment is wrong."

Willis apologized to Timpson later in the conversation and stated that Cuffee had "failed" her administration.

Timpson claims that Willis terminated her abruptly less than two months later and had seven armed investigators accompany her out of her office.

In response to a whistleblower complaint alleging wrongful termination filed by Timpson the following year, a statement was released by Willis's office that characterized Timpson as a "holdover from the prior administration" whose dismissal was due to her "failure to meet the standards of the new administration."

Contextual insight ...

Timpson's experience provides additional insight into the operational procedures of Willis, who ran on the platform of reinstating "integrity" to the district attorney's office.

In light of the revelation that she appointed her romantic partner, Nathan Wade, to manage the office's racketeering case against former president Donald Trump, the Democrat has faced criticism.

Furthermore, it is alleged that Willis misappropriated taxpayer funds in order to facilitate her extramarital relationship with Wade, an unqualified prosecutor who is married.

To Timpson, these identical incidents demonstrate "a pattern" in Willis's conduct.

"My case and Nathan Wade's case are very similar when you break them down point by point," Timpson told the Free Beacon. "Ethical violations, abuse of power, and the misuse of county, state, and federal funds."

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