FBI form says Hunter Biden was 'rude' to business partner about $50K loan

 October 17, 2023

An FBI form released by the House Ways and Means Committee detailed a "very rude" response from Hunter Biden to his business partner Rob Walker when Walker asked Biden to pay back a $50,000 loan back in 2017.

Walker has described himself as a "surrogate" for Biden and a key figure in Biden family business deals.

It was Walker who received a $3 million payment from CEFC, a Chinese state-owned energy company, much of which was then distributed to multiple Biden family members. The payments were documented by the committee previously through bank records.

According to this form, which documented an FBI interview of a whistleblower, Biden asked Walker to loan him $90,000 to pay off legal bills from his divorce.

He got away with it

“He [Walker] recalls RHB [Robert Hunter Biden] needed a lump sum payment related to his divorce in 2017,” the FBI FD-302 said. “Walker does not owe RHB any money form. Walker gave $50,000 to RHB that was never paid back, but he does not recall if he treated it as a loan for tax purposes.”

Walker gave Biden $50,000 instead of the full amount he requested, but when he asked for it back, Biden was upset about being asked.

Hunter “was very rude about it as he was angry Walker was asking about it considering the problems he was going through,” the form recounted.

In all likelihood, to this day, Walker never got that $50K back.

Taking advantage

According to the form, he talked about the situation with Eric Schwerin, another Biden business associate.

“Walker spoke with Schwerin about the loan, and Schwerin told him ‘good luck’ ever getting RHB to pay him,” the form said. “Walker does not recall being paid back the money he lent RHB, nor did he write it off this loan on his taxes as a bad loan.”

Biden's legal bills now are thought to total up to $100,000 a month. He does not have that kind of income, currently, or at least he's not admitting it since he's got a baby mama trying to get a high amount of child support.

It is thought that Kevin Morris, who paid off his almost $2 million in delinquent taxes and is now on his legal team, has paid most of his legal fees in recent years.

It was not clear why Morris would pay millions of dollars of Hunter Biden's bills, outside of something being in it for him.

What that might be is anyone's guess, but I'm sure Republicans will be looking into it with every other fishy thing about the Biden family.


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