Reports indicate FBI 'frustration' over delays in Hunter Biden case, IRS whistleblower alleges coverup, perjury

 April 22, 2023

It was revealed a few years ago that Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation for an assortment of alleged criminal violations, but little progress has been visible in that regard since the revelation of an ongoing probe in late-2020.

Now comes word of "growing frustration" among some FBI agents who believe that prosecutors are deliberately dragging their feet to delay or avoid bringing criminal charges against President Joe Biden's son, the New York Post reported on Friday.

That followed the news just two days earlier about an anonymous IRS whistleblower who has come forward to Congress through an attorney with allegations that the Hunter Biden investigation is being purposefully covered up and that Attorney General Merrick Garland committed perjury by lying to Congress about the purported independence of that probe of the president's son.

FBI "frustration" over prosecutorial delays

NBC News reported on Thursday that federal prosecutors in the Hunter Biden case have settled on four possible criminal charges against him related to his taxes and making a false statement on a federal gun purchase form.

That would include two misdemeanors for failing to file taxes, a felony count for tax evasion related to business expenses, and a felony count for lying on the gun purchase form.

However, the outlet cited two unnamed "senior law enforcement sources" as asserting that there was "growing frustration" among some at the FBI with regard to the slow pace of prosecutors in light of the fact that investigators had largely concluded their work and recommended charges more than a year ago.

Likewise, an anonymous "senior law enforcement source" noted that the IRS had finished its own investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged tax crimes more than a year ago as well.

2022 report seemingly confirms lengthy delay in Biden case

Indeed, the NBC News report made reference to an October 2022 article from The Washington Post which noted at that time that federal investigators had "determined months ago" that they had built a sufficient case with ample evidence to support criminal charges against Hunter Biden in relation to the alleged tax crimes and false statement about his admitted illicit drug use on the federal gun purchase form.

All the investigators were waiting on at that time was for prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney's Office for Delaware, which continues to be headed up by a Trump administration holdover, to move forward with recommended criminal charges against the president's son.

The Post also noted at that time that Attorney General Garland had testified under oath to Congress on multiple occasions that the holdover prosecutor, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, was fully in charge of the case and permitted to act independently free of any political or improper interference from the Biden administration with regard to potential criminal charges against Hunter Biden.

IRS whistleblower alleges coverup in Biden case, perjury by AG Garland

Those assurances from AG Garland may have been false and an act of perjury, according to a separate report from the New York Post on Wednesday about an IRS whistleblower who has alleged, albeit without yet naming names -- though the implications are clear -- that "preferential treatment" had been extended to a "high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020" and that a "senior political appointee" had delivered false testimony to Congress in that regard.

The Post's article on Friday connected the obvious dots and named Hunter Biden as the "high-profile, controversial subject" who has received "preferential treatment" and AG Garland as the "senior political appointee" who falsely testified to Congress on at least two occasions that U.S. Attorney Weiss had complete authority to move forward with a prosecution of Hunter on criminal charges.

Per the Post's Wednesday article, an attorney for the IRS whistleblower is making arrangements for his client to discuss his allegations of a coverup with relevant congressional committees, and it is a certainty that Republican members on those committees will be ready and waiting to hear everything that the whistleblower has to say.

In the meantime, it would likely also prove helpful if some of the FBI agents and officials grumbling anonymously to the media about their "frustration" with the prosecutorial delay in the Biden case would similarly come forward as whistleblowers and share with Congress what they determined about Biden's alleged criminal liability more than a year ago.

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