FBI targeted employees with military ties, pro-Trump views: report

 November 13, 2023

The FBI's top brass labels agents with conservative views "disloyal" to the United States, according to new whistleblower evidence. 

Insiders told the House Judiciary Committee that agents have faced retaliation and profiling based on their support of President Trump and past military service, the Washington Times reported.

Republicans are sure to cite the testimony as further evidence that the FBI has been politicized under President Biden.

FBI corruption exposed

The whistleblowers accused Jeffrey Veltri, deputy assistant director of the bureau’s security division, and Dena Perkins, assistant section chief, of targeting employees with suspected right-wing or pro-Trump views.

Some of the signs the FBI used to identify "disloyal" agents include opposing COVID vaccinations and masks. Agents were also singled out for harboring religious views - which tracks with the notorious, since-retracted FBI memo identifying "radical" Catholics as a threat.

Agents suspected of "disloyalty" had their security clearances taken away, the whistleblowers said.

"In these cases there was no indication that any of the individuals had any affiliation to a foreign power or held any belief against the United States,” the whistleblower disclosure said.

In one instance, Perkins ordered 10 different police departments to dig up evidence that an employee - a Marine veteran - had broken the law or was otherwise "disloyal" to the United States. She did this in order to devise a pretext to fire the employee, the whistleblower disclosure said.

The new KGB?

Some of those targeted were identified as Kyle Seraphin and Garrett O'Boyle, both military veterans who have gone public with accusations that the FBI targets conservatives.

The security clearance investigation of Seraphin strayed from the standard policy, according to a security division employee.

The investigation was opened after a police officer confronted Seraphin about practicing at a gun range and Seraphin's FBI field office contacted Perkins about the incident.

O'Boyle lost his security clearance after he testified before the House Judiciary Committee subpanel on the weaponization of government. He was also transferred to a different field office and was suspended without pay, which led to O'Boyle and his family becoming homeless.

Perkins and O'Boyle's supervisor, Sean Clark, were behind the retaliation, the whistleblowers said.

“I didn’t even know these people, but they came after me anyway because that’s what tyrants do. They come after the people who they’re afraid of,” O'Boyle told the Washington Times. “They come after the people who speak the truth.”

The FBI released a furious statement condemning the Washington Times' "irresponsible" reporting.

“It is wholly irresponsible of The Washington Times, and this reporter, to include outrageous and demonstrably false allegations that the FBI singled out former military employees," the agency said.

The FBI has often been accused of targeting political opponents in the name of domestic security, much like the KGB or the Stasi.

A shocking report in Newsweek last month found that the FBI has dedicated a new threat category to tracking Trump supporters.

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