FBI whistleblower highlights victory of Secret Service director's resignation after Congress exposed her 'failed leadership'

 July 24, 2024

On Tuesday, and in response to heavy pressure from Congress and the general public, U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned in disgrace following her agency's failure to protect former President Donald Trump from a July 13 assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend said Cheatle's resignation came as a direct result of Congress having "rightfully spotlighted her failed leadership" in a Monday hearing, according to PJ Media.

Indeed, Cheatle had faced tough questions and sharp criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle over the security shortcomings at the Trump rally that allowed a shooter with a rifle to access a nearby elevated position and open fire on the former president, striking him in the ear while also killing one man and wounding two others before he was killed by a countersniper.

Cheatle resigned after her "failed leadership" was exposed

Steve Friend is a former FBI agent who blew the whistle on the bureau's corrupt and politicized leadership and practices and is now a senior fellow at the conservative pro-Trump Center for Renewing America.

In exclusive remarks to PJ Media, Friend said of the now-former Secret Service director, "Ms. Cheatle oversaw a catastrophic security failure culminating in the death of an innocent American and near assassination of a presidential candidate. Congress rightfully spotlighted her failed leadership."

"I’m hopeful our representatives can exert pressure in the future to hold other, substandard agency heads similarly accountable. Americans deserve and demand outstanding leadership from our government," he added.

Scrutinizing the victims and not the aggressors

Unfortunately, Friend also revealed in recent social media posts the dire need for congressional Republicans to closely scrutinize other federal agencies as his sources within the intelligence community indicated that additional politicized trouble may be afoot, per PJ Media.

In a July 16 post, Friend wrote, "Little birdies are telling me there is more concern about 'right-wing' violence as a response to the Trump assassination attempt than the attack itself within the IC community. That's probably something Congress [should] look into."

He reshared that post a week later and added, "More of my @FBI moles are confirming. Their joint terrorism task forces are almost exclusively focusing on anonymous tips about a 'right-wing' response to the failed assassination attempt."

Sadly, in a problem that likely began several administrations ago but has accelerated under the Biden administration, the federal intelligence community has largely ignored the violence and criminal behavior of left-wing groups in favor of sharply partisan scrutiny of right-leaning groups and individuals who may react to left-wing provocations, and that will likely continue unless or until Congress does something about it.

Cheatle praised by Biden following resignation, FBI's Wray now facing the heat

CBS News reported on Tuesday that Cheatle announced her resignation as director of the Secret Service and insisted that she took "full responsibility" for her agency's failures just one day after facing a bipartisan grilling and unified demands for her to step down from Congress.

In what can only be described as tone-deaf, Cheatle was subsequently praised for her leadership following her resignation by President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, who swiftly appointed Secret Service Deputy Director Ronald Rowe to serve as acting director until a permanent replacement was nominated by the president.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, The Hill reported that FBI Director Chris Wray was in the hot seat in front of the House Judiciary Committee to also be questioned about the bureau's investigation of the Trump assassination attempt as well as allegations of the politicization and weaponization of federal law enforcement.

Notably, PJ Media highlighted that FBI whistleblower Friend recently asserted in a podcast interview that he doesn't "believe that the FBI is nonpartisan," and as such, "there needs to be a parallel independent investigation" of what occurred at the July 13 Trump rally.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson