First lady and president attend granddaughter's college graduation

 May 16, 2023

CBS News reported that First Lady Jill Biden and President Joe Biden left the nation's capital on Monday to attend her granddaughter's graduation ceremony.

The network explained that the president and first lady headed off to Philadelphia to watch Maisy Biden graduate from the University of Pennsylvania.

Ceremony was attended by other Biden family members

According to the Associated Press, Maisy Biden is the youngest daughter of Hunter Biden and his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, both of whom were present on Monday.

Also in attendance at the graduation ceremony were Maisy’s older sisters, Naomi and Finnegan, as well as her aunt Ashley Biden.

The Biden family later went for lunch at a local Vietnamese restaurant after Maisy’s graduation ceremony came to an end.

Interestingly, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley pointed out in an op-ed piece published by Fox News earlier this month that there is one grandchild the president and first lady want nothing to do with.

He noted that both have ignored Navy Joan Roberts, the little girl whom Hunter Biden fathered four years ago with a former exotic dancer.

President and first lady refused to put up Christmas stocking for granddaughter

"Not only has President Biden refused to refer to her as a grandchild or even include a Christmas stocking with the other children, her father Hunter is also fighting to prevent her from using the Biden name," Turley wrote.

"Indeed, the only reason that Hunter is coming to the same state that his daughter lives in is to seek to reduce his child support," the professor continued.

What's more, Turley pointed out that Hunter Biden long refused to support or acknowledge his daughter, Navy Joan, despite his father having "long campaign[ed] against deadbeat dads."

He recalled how Navy Jones did not get a White House Christmas stocking despite every other Biden family member receiving one, including the pets.

Turley calls granddaughter's treatment "utter depravity"

What's more, Turley stressed that Hunter Biden has even asked a judge to prevent his daughter from using his last name, something the professor says "moved this scandal from the realm of hypocrisy to monstrosity."

"It is hard to imagine the pain that this child will experience upon learning of how the Bidens erased any reference to her and fought even her ability to claim to be a member of their family," Turley complained.

"If one were to combine all of Hunter's influence peddling, drug abuse, orgies and prostitution controversies, they would not hold a candle to the utter depravity shown toward this little girl," Turley declared.

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