Five states considering required voter ID to stop non-citizen voting

 March 15, 2025

It's no secret that many Democrats in this country HATE the idea of requiring voter ID at the voting booths in America in order to make it harder for non-citizens in this country to cast a ballot.

Democrats have spent YEARS turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, with the expectation that illegal immigrants would return the favor by getting to the polls and keeping Democrats in office.

Now, five states are considering implementing voter ID requirements or other measures that would prevent non-citizen voting.

Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Utah, and Wisconsin are all currently in the process of making it harder for noncitizens to vote within their borders.

77% favor ID, polls show

A Rasmussen Reports poll released in February indicates that 77% of likely American voters think that requiring photo ID in order to vote is a "reasonable" measure to help protect the integrity of American elections.

However, liberal politicians in this country do not agree, a stance that was made very clear by Joe Biden's decision to appoint Kamala Harris as this country's "border czar" early in his White House tenure.

Kamala Harris had never done one thing in her entire career to strengthen America's border security.

It's even possible that Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in there to help WEAKEN the border instead of make it stronger.

Radical liberals in this country actually WANT illegal immigrants to be able to vote in important elections, because they're the people who let them in.

Part of their plan to win elections is to flood the country with undocumented immigrants, and then demonize Republicans to these people. The idea is that they can make undocumented immigrants scared of Republicans wanting them to follow proper border-crossing procedures, which would then force the illegal immigrants to vote Democrat, or risk being deported.

It's not something that American citizens want, but Democrats don't care about what we want, they care about what they want.

What are the states doing?

In Iowa, Secretary of State Paul Pate has proposed that non-citizens should be restricted from voting via an enhanced voter verification process.

Maine is preparing to vote on a November ballot measure that would require a state-issued ID for both in-person and absentee voting.

In Michigan, there's a proposed constitutional amendment that seeks to mandate proof of citizenship for all voting methods.

Utah and Wisconsin are also looking to increase election security, following eight other state's decision to do so in 2024.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson