Florida university president resigns

 July 15, 2024

Larry Robinson - the president of Florida A&M University - has resigned. 

Politico reports that the resignation comes after the failure of a nearly $240 million donation.

Per the outlet:

Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson is resigning as leader of the state’s only public historically Black university, a decision that comes amid a probe into a dubious failed $237 million donation that one key official labeled as an “embarrassment.”

Robinson's resignation letter

Robinson announced his resignation on Friday, and he has posted his resignation letter to the Florida A&M University X account.

He, in part, wrote:

Today is a moment of profound significance in my life and my journey at our beloved Florida A&M University (FAMU). I have made the decision to step down from the presidency at this great institution. As you can imagine, this decisionc omes with many emotions . . .

Robinson, later in the letter, reveals that he will stay on as a professor "in the School of the Environment."

The big question that Robinson did not answer in his letter, however, is why he has decided to resign now.

What everyone wants to know, of course, is whether the resignation has anything to do with the failed donation. This has yet to be answered definitively.


Politico, in its report, suggests that it is no coincidence that Robinson has chosen the present moment to resign.

Per the outlet:

Robinson’s resignation may seem abrupt, yet the timing coincides with an investigation at FAMU surrounding a supposedly campus-altering $237 million donation that came crashing down shortly after it was publicly heralded during a graduation ceremony. The proposed donor appeared to have nowhere near the net worth needed to make a pledge that large, something that only came to light after FAMU had announced the gift.

The investigation into the matter is expected to be finished by the end of the month.

Another big question is who is going to takeover for Robinson once he does leave his post as the university's president. The answer to this questions, also, at the time of this writing, remains unclear.

"His departure opens a key void in Florida’s university system, one that will be filled by trustees in the coming months and could be influenced by Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration, which has been aggressive in reshaping higher education in the state," Politico reports.

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Thomas Jefferson